Field Kisses

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Sqaishys POV

I woke up to the sound of happiness birds chirping and squirrels climbing through the trees everything was perfect for my day with Stampy it is currently 10am I got up and had a shower I sang my new song called Jungle whilst washing my hair. Listen to the song now I love it so much

Time skip to 11:58

I was making tea so I decided to text Stampy to see if he wanted any

S-Stampy Sq-Sqaishey

Sq- I'm making tea do you want some? :)

S- Yes please I will be there very soon :D

Sq- Kk :D

I put the kettle on and waited for it to boil

Time skip to 12:00 cause I'm lazy

I heard a knock on the door and I immediately darted across the room and answered the door it was Stampy we hugged and it felt so right to bad it was a friend hug :(

"Hi Sqaishey" he exclaimed enthusiastically "Hi Stamps" I replied buzzing with happiness " Shall we drink our tea Mr Stampy Cat?" I said posh to be funny "We shall" he replied with the same funny accent.

Stampys POV

We sat on the sofa and drank our tea in silence because we were both obviously to occupied with tea to talk damn she's cute tho. We went to the car and I got the urge to hold her hand but I had to stop myself because she might think I'm a creep.

Time skip to Stampys house

We walked into my appartment and I introduced My lo-Sqaishey to Squid Nugget.

Sqaishys POV

Stampy introduced me to squid

St- Stampy Sq- Sqaishey S-Squid

S- You must be this duck I have been hearing so much about

Sq- And you must be Squid Nugget

St- I'm off to the toilet

*Stampy is now at the toilet*

S- so do you like like Stampy


S- but do you

Sq- Mayyybbe

S- Oh my god yes yes yes * dances around the room*

Sq- *confused look* why do you ask

S- Just wondering

Sq- *whispers*SHH HES COMING

Stampys POV

When I came back into the room Squid was acting as if he knew something but I just shook off the feeling " I'm gonna go see Nicole now see ya!" * squid left*

S- Stampy Sq- Sqaishey

S- Sqaishey do you want to go to the Park?

Sq- Sure lets gooooooo

*pretends to fly to the door*

S- Will we walk

Sq- No we shall FLYY

S- *laughs*

We were walking and chatting getting to know each other then Sqaishey shouted "TAG" I ran after her she is a fast duckie then we took a de tour into a empty field when I finally tagged her we collapsed on the soft warm grass that's when I decided to admit my feelings towards her

S- Stampy Sq- Sqaishey

S- Sqaishey there's something I have been wanting to tell you

Sq- What is it Stamps

S- Well I er a like you l-like really like you I er a l-l-love you

Sq- *Kisses Stampy* I love you too


Sqaisheys POV

I was still trying to catch my breath as we started walking home we chatted

S-Stampy Sq- Sqaishey

S- So are we Bf and Gf now

Sq- yeah I guess we are

I walked home with a massive smile on my face and as did he.

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