Sqampy sings!

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Sqaisheys POV

I woke up with Stampy holding me close and tight I smiled he loves me so much I can't believe I ever doubted him and he's probably the one who saved me from killing myself and bandaged up my cuts and he probably bathed me?!?! It's ok I know he's not a creep he did it for me. Stampys eyes slowly opened he smiled when he saw me beside him "Hey Stamps?" "Yeah Duckie?" "Were you the one who stopped me from killing myself and bandaged me up?" "Yes it was all me" "Aww Stamps that's so sweet even when I broke up with you you still cared" "Of course I did I love you" "I love you too but did you bath me?" He blushed "I hope that's ok I just thoughtyouwouldappreciateitandimreallysorryifyoudidntand---" I cut him off kissing him "I'm fine with it I know your not a creep and you did it for my benefit" he sighed in relief and I giggled "Your giggle is really cute" he told me I blushed "Tonight is gonna be so fun I can't wait to hear your songs!" I told him "And I can't wait for yours" "let's go have breakfast" I grabbed his hand and we went downstairs happily "It's good to see Sqampy is back and happy again!" Nicole said "Never again will we be single" Stampy said proudly I smiled and Nicole handed us a bagel (I'm spelling it right now thanks lilatu 😂) we ate our bagels and decided to get the MAC over to play until the Party they all accepted the invitation and arrived 10minutes later.

"LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!" Amy screamed everyone sat in a circle on the floor and Amy went first she spun the bottle and it landed on Rosie "Truth or Dare Penguin" "Truth" "Who is your crush" Rosie went bright red and she pleaded at Amy to let her have another one instead but Amy was a very stubborn mermaid and made her say "Finball" Rosie mumbled "ROSEBALL!!!" Me and Nicole squealed "Shut up!" Rosie said we pretended to be really upset and ran away pretending to cry "Girls Wait!" Rosie said obviously guilty me and Nicole turned around and started laughing "OH FOR GODSAKE YOU MADE ME FEEL BAD!" "Sorry but ROSEBALL ALL THE WAY!" We said together and high fived "Ok Ok you win" Rosie rolled her eyes and we laughed "Sorry Rosie but you know what it's like when you ship something so bad and then it comes true like with---" "NETTYHAWK!!!!" Me and Nicole squealed "Ahh stop with the squealing its constant!" Squid and Stampy said together "It's your own fault for putting to fan girls in the same house" Me and Nicole said together "Ok this is getting creepy stop saying the same things I do" we both said again then we burst out laughing Rosie spun the bottle and it landed on Me "Truth or Dare" "Truth" "What is the most passionate relationship you have had?" "It's gotta be me and Stampy I've never felt so in love with someone before I met him" "SQAMPY!!" Nicole and Amy squealed Stampy pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead making me smile everyone awed at us and I spun the bottle it landed on Finball I know what I'm gonna ask whatever he chooses is gonna involve Rosie "Finball Truth or Dare" "This is crazy but I think dare is the safer option here" "you ARE crazy!! Kiss your crush!" I squealed he kissed Rosie me Nicole and Amy looked at each other and we immediately all stood up and started dancing screaming "ALL RISE FOR ROSEBALL WE LOVE ROSEBALL ROSEBALL IS LIFE JUST LIKE NETTYHAWK!!" We squealed together then we sat down next to our boyfriends again Rosie was blushing like mad Finball spun the bottle and it landed on Tom "Truth or Dare" "Dare" "I dare you to polish your head!" I ran and got him some polish and came back to Melanie holding them all hostage she had her back to me luckily and Netty mouthed to me then I realised she had a gun "Joe you have to be my boyfriend or that little bitch you call a girlfriend will die" "Oh you mean this little bitch?" I asked her she turned around and I jumped on her grabbing the gun from her hands as I did so I punched and kicked her then I got off her and she got up "Now I suggest you leave my man alone you broke us up once it's not happening again" I said pointing the gun at her she backed away and I followed her chasing her out the window she got out the window and I closed and locked it I put the gun in a drawer and Sat beside Stampy handing the polish to Tom as if nothing had ever happened they all just looked at me in shock "What I deal with shit like this everyday lets just get on with the game" Tom sprayed it onto his head and rubbed the cloth around it we all laughed so much because we could see our reflection on his head.

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