Sqampy? Not anymore

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Sqaisheys POV

Today's the day I get to see my KittyCake again! Me and Nicole are packing up our stuff into our suitcase "I can't wait to see their faces!" Nicole exclaimed throwing a pillow at me "Me too!" I shouted throwing it back at her she laughed and put it back on the bed "I missed him so much last night I just love Stamps so much!" I told her "Same here Squid is the best man I've ever met!" "We are both very lucky ladies we are not old at all and we've already found our true loves" I said we finished packing up and checked out of the hotel we hopped into the car excitedly "I can't wait to see him!" I exclaimed  "You two need to get married!" Nicole informed me "Calm down Nicole he might not even want to marry me" "Ive seen the way he looks at you Sqaish and he wants nothing else than have you beside him!" "Well same with you and Squid!" I told her she smiled and we stopped talking I dozed off to sleep.

I woke with a jolt as the car had stopped outside the apartment I looked at Nicole and we squealed with excitement I decided I would only take Stampys present inside first so it's more special Nicole did the same "When We open the door scream surprise OK?" I told Nicole she nodded and we ran to the door "3,2,1" Nicole whispered to me we flung the door open "SURPRI------"

Nicole's POV

Stampy and Melanie KISSING?!?! I ran up to them and pulled them apart I slapped Stampy across the face "HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON MY BEST FRIEND?!?!" I looked to the doorway and Stampys presents were lying on the floor and Sqaishey was gone and so was Melanie "AND NOW SHES RUN AWAY JOSEPH THIS IS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT SHE NEEDED YOU BASTARD!!" Stampy just stood there in shocked silence and Squid came running down the stairs "What's going on?" He asked worried "ME AND SQAISHEY JUST WALKED IN ON STAMPY AND MELANIES MAKE OUT SESSION AND NOW SHES RUN AWAY PROBABLY TO KILL HERSELF!!!!!" "Stamps?" Squid asked anger in his voice "I RECORDED ONE VIDEO WITH ASH ONE AND WHILE IM UPSTAIRS YOU CHEAT ON SQAISHEY?!?" "But I can explain!" Stampy said "I DONT WANT HEAR IT!" I screamed at him "YOU CHEATED ON MY BEST FRIEND AND I NEED TO FIND HER BEFORE SHE GETS KIDNAPPED MURDERED OR KILLS HERSELF YOU KNOW HOW DEADLY HER BEING OUT ALONE IS AND YOU DO THIS WE WANTED TO SURPRISE YOU TWO BY COMING HOME EARLY SHE WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU JOSEPH AND YOU CHEAT ON HER I HATE YOU!!!" I screamed at him and launched myself forward pinning him to the ground and started punching and kicking him with all my might until Squid pulled me off him "Come on Nicky we need to find Sqaishey" "I'm coming to" Stampy said getting up I kicked his leg so he fell back down "Your STAYING here!" I screamed at him and me and Squid ran out the door

Sqaisheys POV

I can't believe he cheated on me I thought he loved me I thought while running down the street tears streaming down my face I don't know where I'm going but I'm not staying there that's for sure I heard Nicole screaming at Joe as I ran away I ran and ran until I eventually had to stop at a bench to catch my breath I sobbed into my hands my heart has shattered into a million pieces by the man I really loved and still love for that fact I looked at my bracelet and cried I can't bring myself to take it off it's too painful but Stampy obviously doesn't love me anymore so what's the point in living I got back on my feet and ran I ran as far as I could and stopped outside my old apartment we haven't got round to selling it so I still have the keys on my keychain I unlocked the door and it was just like how I left it. empty. Just get him out of your brain Sqaishey but forgetting him is like trying to know somebody you've never met. Hmm that's a great song lyric I could use that someday I wrote it down in my songbook and continued to sob into my pillow I got up of my bed still crying tears of anger and regret I grabbed my rope from the night i was going to kill myself until i got a recommendation for Stampys channel on my phone. It's still ready to be used I grabbed a chair and tied the rope onto the ceiling fan and I wrote a note to Squid Nicole and Stampy

To My Friends and Ex Boyfriend

I have decided it is not worth living through all this pain because forgetting him is like trying to know somebody you've never met and losing him is blue like I've never known he obviously doesn't love me anymore so I'm just gonna end it here I just want you all to know that I appreciate everything you've done for me even Joe. I will always love you Joseph Garret but just forget about me I'll only hold you and Melanie back I'm sorry for causing as much trouble as I have and you'll be much happier without me. I thought you loved me Joe and yes I'm using your real name because Stampy is a name that reminds me of happiness and love. I trusted you. Squid and Nicole thank you for caring about me and being my best friends. Anyways I'm off to purgatory maybe we will meet again in heaven

                        Lots Of Love Sqaishey XXXX
climbed up onto the chair I heard my door bust open and Squid and Nicole came running in when they saw where I was there face changed from exhaustion to pure panic but I continued anyways I put the rope around my neck and started to push the chair away "Sqaishey stop its not worth it!" Nicole pleaded "I'm sorry but it's really not worth living not without Joe." I successfully pushed the chair away and waited for death to come but someone caught me it wasn't Squid or Nicole it was someone else but I can't quite see who they are I didn't bother to look and ran into the bathroom and grabbed my blades slicing them down my arm yelping with every slice "No one will EVER love you Beth!" I screamed at my self as I sliced my arm "Your a piece of SHIT who no one cares about!" I insulted myself  and I sliced my arm again

then I passed out the last thing I saw was Stampys  horrified face.


I'm sorry it's killing me writing this chapter! Stampy messed up but was it really his fault find out next time

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