Little too dirty

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Hi this is ihateschools only friend who likes the MAC and ships Sqampy she let me write one chapter so she's probably gonna kill me when she sees this but I'm doing it anyway so :P if you don't like this chappie don't blame her
Sqaisheys POV

I woke up very hungry so I went downstairs and made me and Stampy a Fry I used bacon,fried eggs, sausages, beans and Soda Bread I finished up cooking and lay everything on two plates I was about to call Stampy but he just walked downstairs before I could open my mouth. "Sqaishey you didn't have to make breakfast!" "It's the least I could do for you letting me stay here" "I'm the one who should be making you breakfast for staying here" "Don't be silly now eat up!" "My pleasure" he sat in front of a plate of food and dug in I took over two cups of tea and sat next to him "Thank you Sqaish" Stampy said as he kissed my forehead.

10 minutes later spongebob voice plz

We finished off our breakfast and left the dishes over by the sink " Sqaish have you met my sister yet?" "No I haven't actually" "do you want me to invite her over?" " sure"

Stampys POV

I texted Netty

🐱- Hey Netty

🐨- Hello Brotha from the same Motha

🐱- I was wondering if you wanted to come over and meet Sqaishey

🐨- Who's Sqaishey is she someone special 😉

🐱- Yes Netty she is someone special

🐨- I'll be right over!

St- Netty is coming over now you two are gonna be best friends straight away I can tell!

Sq- Do you really think she will like me?

St- I'm positive

Knock Knock

I opened the door "Netty!" "Joe!" We hugged and she ran over and hugged Sqaishey Sqaishey hesitated at first but then hugged back "it's so nice to finally meet you!" Netty Squealed "it's nice to meet you too!"

N- Is he being good?

Sq- Yes He is being fabulous

N- Good if he gives you any trouble let me know!

Sq- Will do!

St- I have to go do a lovely world video bye

Sqaisheys POV

N- Soooooooooo how long have you been dating

Sq- About two months and a week

N- I can tell he really loves you

Sq- How can you tell

N- RAINBOWS!!!!! (Sorry ASDF reference anyone)

Sq- Lol I love ASDF it's the best

N- Yeah I love it too! Also what I was going to say was Just by the way he looks at you and when we were at that party he looked happier than he has ever been! That's why I didn't come over to say hi to you because I didn't wanna take you away from him Do you love him?

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