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Sqaisheys P.O.V

I woke up and immediately became confused "Stamps?" I said, confused on where Stampy has got too I looked under the covers of his side of the bed to find a note taped to a box it read

'Open me when your ready to start your very own scavenger hunt!'

Yes! Stampy set up a hunt thingy ma bob! He's too sweet! I got out of my bed and got dressed into a red top with floral pattern lace sleeves and some denim shorts as it's really warm out today. I went downstairs to get some breakfast "Good Morning Sqaish!" Nicole chirped, whilst eating her coco pops "Missing something?" Squid asked me, one eyebrow raised, although he had a hint of knowing in his eye.

"Oh yeah, Stampy wasn't there when I woke up but he set up a scavenger hunt for me to do so I assume he'll be wherever the end of the hunt is." I explained, Squid nodded "Awwww! That's so cute! Stampy and Sqaishey For the win!" Nicole exclaimed, Squid pouted "What about Squid and Nicole?" He said pretending to be sad "Oh yeah, that too but mainly Stamps and Sqaish though." Nicole said then burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! I just thought of a ship name that's way better than Squidcole!" I squealed "Ducky Duck, You know that's not possible." Nicole said "NUGOLE!" I screamed, their eyes widened "That. Is. Incredi-to-the-ble." Nicole exclaimed "Sqaish, your amazing!" Squid said, he was clearly SH00OoOooOoOooOooOK by the ship name.

"Squid is so SH00OooOoOooOoOoOoOoOoOoK." Nicole observed, Squid chuckled "Caught red handed." He sighed, laughing to himself. "Hashtag Exposed, Hashtag Squid is Shook, Hashtag shook, Hashtag Sqaishey makes the best ship names, Hashtag Nugole for the win----" I said before Squid cut me off "Okay, Okay that's enough hashtags." "That's mean! The hashtags only want to be your friends!" Nicole scowled.

"HASHTAG HASHTAGS ARE PEOPLE TOO!" I screamed, everyone laughed "Why are you laughing?! This is hashtag hashtag abuse!" I exclaimed. "HASHTAG STOP HASHTAG ABUSE!" Nicole screamed in agreement, we all laughed and ate our breakfast.

Time Skippy Skip Skip

I finished eating my breakfast and went into the bathroom to do my makeup, it felt strange putting on makeup without Stampy behind me telling me that I don't need it and that I'm beautiful the way I am, Stampy sure has contributed a lot to my self confidence. I'm so lucky.

I finished painting my face with foundation and all that jazz and opened the box Stamps left on the bed, it was filled with Orange and Yellow glitter and carefully placed in the middle was a folded up piece of paper, I took out the paper and unwrapped it, unsurprisingly there was words written on it.

Your first stop contains many essentials to human life, but it is also where I found my most precious gem.

(Btw these things are probably rubbish bc i'm making them up myself 😂)

"Typical! Of course Stampy has to use riddles!" I muttered to myself, I'm terrible with riddles!

Essential to human life.... His most precious gem? Huh? Okay Sqaish, work out one thing at a time... So it contains things a human needs to live, so... Food? It could be the shop... found his most precious gem... Could he be referring to me? Oh my god! It's Tesco! Me and Stampy met in Tesco! Of course! I quickly shoved the note in my pocket and ran to the front door "Bye Sqaish! Good luck with Stamps' thing!" Squid and Nicole said as I left.

"Thanks guys!"

I ran out the door and got into my car. I arrived at Tesco and immediately ran to the meat isle, I remember we met in the meat isle because Stampy told me he only went to the shop for bacon, as I walked towards the meat isle nostalgia filled my body, I haven't been here since that fateful day, me and Stampy usually shop online now. I searched the isle up and down until I found another little box.

There was another note stuck to the top of it.

Well Done Ducky! You found the first, well technically second box!

P.S If your not Bethany Bates please put this box back I'm trying to do something romantic for my girlfriend, K? Thanks.

I giggled at the last bit and opened up the box, it was filled with Orange and Yellow glitter again. Where did he buy all this glitter?! I took out the note and it read:

The place you need you have been once before, but we did not walk there.

Wait what? I don't understa-----

"Will we walk?" Stampy asked, I pretended to fly to the door, "No, We shall FLLLLYYYYYY!" I replied, giggling.

My memory flashed, that was the day me and Stampy started dating! It's the field! I remember I pretended to fly the whole way there whilst Stampy ran alongside me.

I stuffed the note in my pocket and ran out to the car, I took the box too because glitter is awesome. I drove for awhile until I reached the field, I got out of my car and walked up to our spot, and sure enough, there was the box I sat down and opened up the box to find the next riddle.

We celebrated our new found love in your next destination, we traveled there in style.

New found love... So we must have went there in the early days of our relationship, travelled there in style... What? We've only ever used the car to go to places, Well, except our first da----- "SQAISHEY YOU IDIOT!" I said slapping myself across the face, it's at the restaurant we went to on our first ever date! Once again, I put the note in my pocket and grabbed the box then ran to the car.

I arrived at the restaurant and ran to the table we sat at, and puck up the box that sat in the middle of the table, I opened it and took out the note.

Your next stop is where we had a lovely private day together. Or so we thought....

My brain instantly clicked, the place from my childhood that me and Stampy wrote that song in, and we thought we were alone but Squid was spying on us with his drone! Yes!

I took the box and once again sprinted out to my car.

I arrived at the place and walked up the hill and climbed the tree, to find Stampy sitting at the top of the tree! "Stamps!" I said, and hugged him, he gave me a quick kiss and stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out....


"Stamps..." I gasped "Yeah?" He replied, grinning like an idiot "I-I-" I stuttered before jumping into his arms and kissing him passionately, after a little while we pulled away, "Happy Early Anniversary, Hun." He smiled, I grinned and kissed him again. "When are we going?" I asked, bursting with excitement "Two days." He smiled, I squealed with happiness "How long are we staying?" "We are leaving two days after our anniversary." He informed.

I hugged him and he returned the embrace.

"I love you so much, Stamps.."

"I love you too Duckie."


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