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Amy's POV

I ran towards him I was so happy we kissed for 20seconds

A- Amy ?- Amy's Bf S- Squid - St- Stampy Sq- Sqaishey N- Nicole

A- I missed you so much

S- ASH??

Ash- Ash

Ash- Hi Squid, Stampy, Nicole and I'm sorry but who are you?

St- Oh Ash you haven't met Sqaishey yet have you

Ash- No I haven't

St- Oh Ash meet Sqaishey Sqaishey meet Ash

Sq- Nice to meet you

Ash- Nice to meet you too

S- Sqaishey is Stampys Girlfriend

Ash- Oh Stampy you didn't mention this in time travellers

St- Well the subscribers don't know yet

Ash- High Five

Stampy and Ash high five

Sq- (giggles)

S- So Ash your dating Amy?

A- (blushes)

Ash- Yea yea I am

St- Who wants tea

Sqaishy,Ash,Amy,Squid and Nicole: ME!

St- (laughs his laugh)

Sq- I will help you

Stampys POV

Me and Sqaishey walked towards the kitchen together but Sqaishey tripped on my foot I caught her and we looked deeply into one another's eyes and we leaned closer and closer and before we knew it we were kissing 💏 it was so passionate until Squid shouted "YEAH GO STAMPY!" We then broke apart Nicole then replied " Squid you do this every time they kiss just let them have there moment for gods sake" Squid " I was only cheering him on!" Nicole" Oh Squid"
Me and Sqaishey headed on into the kitchen.

Time skip to that night

Ash- Well I better get going I have a long journey ahead of me

A- *frowns*

St- Ash you can stay here if you like

Ash- But there's no where to sleep

S- Oh yes there is

N- Squid what are you talking abou--- Ohhhhh

S- Ash you and Amy can share a bed

Ash and Amy Blush bright red

St- Yeah

A- Ash please stay I haven't seen you in months! I know it will be our first time sharing a bed but it's not like we are going to have sex!

Ash- Ok Amy I will stay for you


Sq- Stamps! N- Squid! they both exclaimed at the same time

Sqaishey and Nicole look at each other and laugh

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