Bad Dubh

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Sqaisheys POV

We decided to call a temporary truce to clean up last nights mess..... I'm kinda scared to see this......

We all stepped outside to see M&Ms and Popcorn everywhere we all looked at each other and burst out laughing, Ash stepped forward to begin picking up the M&Ms and Squid pushed him in! Everyone except Ash laughed so hard! Ash was pissed off! "I thought we were calling a truce?!" He yelled angrily "We are! That's not a prank!" Squid shouted back laughing. "Ash stop being so salty! Your cheese not salt! And we had to go in anyways to collect the Popcorn and M&Ms!" Amy called, After a while Ash got over it.

I went upstairs to change into my swimming costume because these are my good clothes! I came back downstairs and bombed into the pool before anyone could see me, everyone else except Ash had changed too. "THATS THE WAY YOU GET INTO A POOL!" Squid hollered and bombed into the pool aswell. "Come on in Stampy!" I called and he shook his head no. I climbed out of the pool and walked over to Stampy "What are you doing?" Stampy said warily "Nothing just wanted to bomb into the pool again" I smiled then I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and bombed with him in my arms.

"Sqaisheyyyy!" He whined "I'm sorry Stampy." I said and kissed his cheek he smiled at me "Forgiven." He smiled "YEAH STAMPYS GETTING SOME SUGAR!" Squid called making everyone laugh. I started gathering up m&ms and popcorn. I turned around to see Stampy stuffing some into his mouth his facial expression changed massively and i burst out laughing as he spat it out "Stamps...." I said struggling to breathe from laughing "Why?" I laughed "I don't know I wasn't thinking" he chuckled I continued laughing for awhile until Stampy decided to help me out and stop it with a kiss. Of course i didn't mind that.

Time Skip

We finished up cleaning the M&Ms and got dressed. I went downstairs to see the boys all gathered around a sleeping Ash. This means it's prank time... I spied a massive bucket filled to the brim with flour they started getting ready to pour it over Ash "Guys wait one second!" I whispered, they all nodded and I ran off to get my camera! Maybe I could do a prank montage for Sqaishey Extra! I rummaged through my drawers and finally set eyes on my camera! I grabbed it and rushed down the stairs where the boys were waiting, the girls have gathered around to watch and I got the perfect angle to record from, I started it recording and gave the boys the signal to prank (The thumbs up) Squid and Tom, being the strongest in the group grabbed the bucket together and poured it all over Ash's sleeping body! We all broke out into hysterics laughing, Except the cheese man who wasn't to happy. Ash looked so angry his face went pure red so we all dispersed and hid around the house.

I found myself locked in a cupboard with Mr Nugget, both of us trying hard to hold in our laughter. I realized my camera is still recording and turned the light thing on and faced the camera to me and Squid. "We are currently hiding from an angry Dubh." Squid whispered into the camera "I don't know why i'm so scared!" I whisper giggled, Squid chuckled slightly. "Me and Squid are locked in a cupboard right now! This is literally so nerve wracking and it shouldn't be!"

I looked into Squids eyes and he looked into mine, I found myself leaning closer....

Just kidding! That never happened! I don't have any feelings for Squid but I bet I scared you! mwahahahaha! "SQUUUUIIIIIDDDD!!!! SQAAAAAIIIIISSSSHHHHEEEEYYYYYYY!!!!!" Everyone called, he must've found them all me and Squid looked at each other trying to stop our laughter, the door swinger open and the rest of the MAC stood there, Me and Squid burst out laughing.

I got up and wrapped my arms around Stampys neck and he gently placed his around my waist. Yes waist not waste 😂😂😂 he gently kissed me and I kissed back. "Why are you even kissing her?! She could've just kissed Squid!" Ash yelled, I looked over to Squid and Nicole who were also kissing and stopped when Ash stated this. "Hey! I didn't kiss Squid! I only like Squid as a friend!" I defended "Then why is there lipstick on Squids lips?" Ash pointed out "Uh hello he was just kissing Nicole and I don't even wear lipstick." I pointed out "I don't trust you Sqaishey!" He snapped "Ash! Don't be so nasty she didn't do anything to you!" Stampy defended "Thank you Stamps." I said softly. "What has she even done to be held trustworthy!" He shouted "Ash what has gotten into you lately?! Your being rude to Sqaishey for no reason and your being so uptight and salty!" Amy snapped

"She isn't trustworthy!" He growled "What did I do to you? All I've done is been nice to you!" I retaliated "You just prance into this group like you own it and thinks everyone should just accept you!" He shouted anger filled his eyes as he stared me down I realized that he's right I don't belong here and never will. "I'm Out." I said and walked to my room to not show him my tears. I sat on the bed and brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them as the tear drops fell endlessly from my eyes. I heard footsteps coming closer and before I knew it Stampy was embracing me in a hug as I cried into his chest. "Shhh it's okay Sqaish, Ash doesn't know what he's talking about." he comforted rubbing my back "But he's right!" I sobbed "No he's not, He's an idiot, he's just jealous because you are a better addition to the group than him." "But why would he call me a cheater?! I would never cheat on you Stamps!" She cried "I know, love" "You'd be better off if I just left..." I said starting to get up, Stampy pulled me back to face him and wiped my tears away "Sqaishey look at me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't let you go for the world." He comforted kissing my forehead. I smiled and he pulled me into a gentle kiss.

Ash's POV

Everyone glared at me when Stampy ran after Sqaishey. She deserved every word I said. "ASH WHAT THE HELL?!" Amy screamed "I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY THOSE THINGS TO MY BEST FRIEND!" Nicole screamed, We heard Sqaisheys sobs from upstairs and that triggered them even more "ASH HOW COULD YOU SAY THOSE THINGS?!" Squid yelled "SHE DESERVED IT!" "NO SHE DIDNT!" Rosie shouted, Stampy came downstairs and gave me a death stares "Ash get out." He said cooly, I shook my head. "ASH GET OUT BEFORE I FORCE YOU." He said sternly, I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him "No." Squid stood in front of me and gave me an intimidating stare "Out. Now." He growled, I stood and looked at him. He picked me up by my t-shirt and flung me outside onto the path. God I hate that Duck.

Sqaisheys POV

After I had cleaned up my makeup in the bathroom I took a deep breathe and went down the stairs, to my surprise Ash wasn't there. Stampy rushed over to me and gave me a warm hug "Are you okay, Duckie?" He asked lovingly "Yes." I smiled and kissed him happily.

I wonder why Ash hates me....

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