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Sqaisheys POV

We were just about to head out the door when the News person said something else

N- We have just got news that Zactotary and Luke Tinneys bodies couldn't be found but Mr Joseph Garret and Ms Nicole Blander were both in the car and badly cut both of them out cold they are both being rushed to hospital as we speak me and Squid looked at eachother even more worried than before we turned off the TV and sprinted out to the car we were both trying to hold back tears. But I couldn't. I knew it was all my fault I started bawling into my hands as we drove to the hospital. When we arrived we sprinted through the hospital doors we ran up to the reception and Squid told the lady "Joseph Garret and Nicole Blander please". "Room 14 Good Luck you two my heart goes out to you". "Thank you" I said in a rush and we darted through the corridor and stopped outside their door we looked at each over both terrified of what was behind those doors. We looked at each other and we gave a forced smile to encourage one another   we walked in and he was there on the bed with all the wires going into him his skin all cut and bruised he's a white as a sheet. I sat down beside him holding back tears I have to be strong. for him. I looked at Nicole she wasn't as bad as Stampy but she wasn't awake either she had a small hint of red in her cheeks Squid was over beside her holding her hand and asking her to wake up I looked down at Stampy and grabbed his hand "Stampy please wake up" I whispered a tear dropped and fell onto his lifeless face. I noticed a piece of paper beside his bed it said 'Joseph Garret Condition- Coma' I dropped the paper horrified I began to bawl.... again..... "Sqaishey are you okay" Squid asked concerned I just handed him the paper and he hugged me "It's ok Sqaish Stamps is a strong cat he will make it through" I grabbed Stampys hand and sat beside him I'm not leaving this spot until he wakes up.

Stampys POV

Me and Nicole are talking to eachother somehow maybe it's because we are both in a coma in the same room. She says she feels like she's gonna wake up soon and I told her I don't think I can I told her to tell Sqaishey to stop apologising and to get her to know that I love her and will get through this.

I can hear everything around me I just can't do anything I'm so frustrated Sqaishey is really upset and I can't even help her ugh Stampy just move! I tried with all my might to open my eyes but they would not budge I want her to know that I'm here that I'm alive I love her so much I just want to kiss her another tear drop fell onto my cheek that made me even more angry! I heard Sqaishey and Squid start talking.

Sq- Squid I'm so sorry it's all my fault!

S- Sqaish why on earth would it be your fault?!?

Sq- My Father and Zack were in the other car it's no coincidence they did it on purpose!

Oh no! Now she's blaming herself

S- It's not your fault Duckie and I refuse to let you think that

Sq- But it's the truth if I had just stayed out of your lives this wouldn't have happened I should have listened to my Father I should have gave in to Zack! And now it's my fault both Stampy the best man I have ever met and Nicole my best friend are both out cold all because of me! You probably hate me!

S- Now why would I hate you you make my best mate really happy he was really depressed before you came into the picture!

Yes! Thanks Squid!

Sq- I think we better call Stampy and Nicole's parents

S- Okay I will do Nicole's cause they don't know you

Sq- Ok

I heard Squid leave the room and Sqaishey dial my Mums number

Sq- Hello?

M- Hello Beth Dear what's wrong you seem upset

Sq- Joes in hospital! He's in a coma!

M- Oh my god Sweetie we will be right over

They hung up and Sqaishey started sobbing and I heard Squid come in.

S- Nicole's Parents can't come they are in Derry Northern Ireland

Sqaisheys POV

Squid started tearing up again and I hugged him we cried on each others shoulders then Stampys Parents came in we pulled apart and Squid sat beside Nicole holding her hand as I did Stamps.

M- What happened to him?

Sq- He got in a car crash and it's all my fault now the best man I have ever met and my best friend is in hospital because I'm so stupid!

D- Beth how is it your fault?

Sq- My real Dad and ex were in the opposite car! He only went shopping! I should have just let my Father control me and keep being Zacks slave otherwise this wouldn't have happened!

M- Beth it's not ŷour fault Joseph loves you so much  if you left him he would kill himself Beth

We heard a groan from the other side of the room it wasn't Squids it was a woman "Nicole?" Squid said shocked her eyes shot open and I ran over to her Squid kissed her deeply "Nicole!" I hugged her gently "I'm so sorry Nicky!"  "Duckie it's not your fault stop apologising Stampy would want you to" she said in a croaky voice "How do you know? In the coma somehow me and him could talk to each other I told him I felt strong enough to wake up and he said he's trying really hard but it won't budge he told me to tell you he loves you and he will wake up soon to be with you" I started crying and sat back with Stampy "Come on Stamps when you wake up I promise I will be right here I won't leave this room until you wake up"   "My son is a strong man Beth he will wake up for you" Stampys dad told me then they had to go

S- Sqaish come on we're going home we got discharged we can come back to Stampy tomorrow but you need to rest.

Sq- No I'm Staying with Stampy you two go home I'll be fine

S- Ok Duckie see you tomorrow

They left and I curled up on the chair beside Stampy still not letting go of his hand "Stampy please wake up I need you I just want to kiss you and watch Christmas films with you cuddle on the sofa with you I basically just want you" I drifted off to sleep.

Stampys POV

This is horrible I just wanna wake up so I can see her beautiful face again and kiss her soft lips I think she's holding my hand but I'm not to sure I've gotten a bit stronger I think if I tried really hard I could move something but I'm going to save my energy so I can build it up so I can completely wake up. I love her so much hopefully tomorrow I will be able to open my eyes once more that would be amazing.

Sorry for the kinda short ish chapter I just really wanted to get something out today I hope you Enjoyed 😀

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