Girls Day Out!

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I have a extremely bad case of writers block trying to do something for Boxing Day and I have so many other ideas that just want to burst out of my brain!!!!!! So yeah



Things are relatively quiet in Stampy and Sqaisheys lives they still have an undying love for each other and things have been continuing as normal pretty mush just recording all the time.

Sqaisheys POV

Me and Nicole have organised a girls weekend away just us where we can go shopping fan girl and find out more about each other.

"Bye Stampy I love you!" I said to Stampy before we left "I love you to Babe have fun and be safe don't get into to much trouble!" "I won't Stampy! You boys don't make to much of a mess!" I kissed him passionately wrapping my arms around his neck his around my waist "Sqaishey lets go!" Nicole called me I pulled apart from Stampy he seemed disappointed "Bye Love" he said "Bye Babe!" I called back and me and Nicole hopped into the car and squealed "This is the first time we can actually spend time together without the boys!" I exclaimed "LETS BUY STUFF!!" We exclaimed together as Nicole started up the car and started driving to our hotel "NEXT STOP THE HOTEL!!" I screamed happily "WOOOOOP!" Nicole screamed back

Time Skip

Me and Nicole arrived at the hotel and grabbed our stuff from the boot we rolled in all of our suitcases and walked up to the receptionist "Bates" I said politely to the man behind the counter "Room 6 ladies" he said back I thanked him and we ran to our room excitedly we opened the door and threw down our bags and flopped on our beds I sighed happily glad we finally got here! Then we decided to go shopping it's only 12 after all I got a text from Stamps

St- Hey Sqaish how's your trip going?

Sq- It's great Stamps we just got to the hotel and we are going shopping now I Love you I'll FaceTime you tonight K?

St- Sounds jolly good Love you too miss you so much!

Sq- I miss you too!

We stopped texting and ran out of the hotel room Nicole locked it and we ran to her car I hopped in the passenger side and she went to the drivers side and we drove to the shopping centre. We arrived and immediately saw Primark we ran in and I saw this really nice dress that I could wear to a party

"SQAISHEY YOU HAVE TO BUY THIS!!!!" Nicole screamed throwing it at me "Ok Ok!" I said putting it in my basket "NICOLE!!!!!!" I shouted and threw this dress at her-

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"SQAISHEY YOU HAVE TO BUY THIS!!!!" Nicole screamed throwing it at me "Ok Ok!" I said putting it in my basket "NICOLE!!!!!!" I shouted and threw this dress at her-

"SQAISHEY YOU HAVE TO BUY THIS!!!!" Nicole screamed throwing it at me "Ok Ok!" I said putting it in my basket "NICOLE!!!!!!" I shouted and threw this dress at her-

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