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  smileshurt you know what's coming ;)

This chapter contains content that is not suitable for people who are innocent childs.

(Rainy this is the chapter that I planned in the gc with LOLLEH so ye might not wanna read)

This chapter also contains things that may be triggering so if you read it don't sue me I warned you.

Two Days after the honeymoon...

Beth's POV

I woke up next to Joe and reached over to grab my bag of skittles, to my horror STAMPY ATE THEM ALL WHEN I WENT TO SLEEP!!!!!!!



*much shook*

*very shook*

"Joe!!! You ate all my—" I screamed, and turned to see him WITH A FUCKING KNIFE HOLY FUCK!

"TIME TO DIE BITCH!" He yelled and began chasing me with the knife, I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a rope "YOU CANT KILL ME! NOT IF I KILL MYSELF FIRST!" I shouted and stood at the edge of the bath, I tied the rope to the ceiling fan and quickly made a noose, then I jumped, the last thing I saw was Stampy entering the bathroom flailing his knife around.

Joes POV

I looked at my dead wife hanging from a rope and quickly went to get Squid, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately "SHES DEAD SQUID! WE CAN BE TOGETHER!" I said kissing him, he then ripped of his shirt and carried me bridal style into my room.

Then we had some steamy sex.

Let's just say, Squid obviously tops.

The next day I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! I was horrified!

"Squid we have a problem!" I said shoving the pregnancy test into his hands."

"Oh fuck. Suicide?" Squid asked


Then we drove to a cliff, had some more secks at the end of the cliff and then jumped off, hugging while we were both naked.

And then we died.


If y'all don't like that ending, well I guess it sucks to be you.

Imagine whatever ending you want but this is was happens in my book.

It's finally time for me to be completely done with this fandom, goodbye forever sqampers.

- And with that sexy ending, the last oat left the fandom completely -

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