Soooooo many Questions

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Little bit of a plot change I'm gonna only have Amy arrive then soon someone else might show up but you will just have to find out MWAHAHAHAHAHA :D

Amy's POV (didn't see that coming did ya)

A- Amy N- Nicole S- Sqaishey

A- Come on girlies lets go catch up 

N- Come on let's go gossip in the guest room

S- Ok

Sqaisheys POV ( back to normal)

We headed up to the guest room where Amy bombarded me with Questions 

A- Amy N- Nicole S- Sqaishey

A- Sqaishey it's Question Time!

N- Amy go easy on her

A- Now now Nicole you know I can't hold back as the love expert I need to do this 

N- I guess sorry Sqaishey I tried

A- Sqaishey you will be marked out of 100 from the following questions

A- Sqaishey do you do YouTube

S- Yeah

A- On Minecraft

S- Yep

A- Doing good so far

A- What do you do in your spare time

S- Play Minecraft and hang with Stampy Nicole and squid 

A- You scored 100% you and Stampy have my blessing

S- Amy we're not getting married 

N- I don't know Sqaishey you scored higher than me I got 85%

S- What did you get wrong

N- I don't make MC vids on YT

S- Kk but we still aren't getting married for now anyway😘

A- Sqaishey Where did you meet Da Cat

S- Tesco

A- Do you Love him

S- I love him with all my heart and soul and I would do anything for him ( not in a sexual way)

A- Loves it

A - Have you ever kissed lip to lip or was Nugget Face Bluffing

S- Er umm yea we have

A- Loves it

A- When did you admit your feelings towards each other

S- We were playing Minecraft...

A- Loves it

S- Amyy stop interrupting 

A- Ok Ok

S- then I came to his house we went on a walk  and then we played tag then we both fell and then he admitted stuttering like the nervous kitty he was and then I cut him off with a kiss.


S- Enough about me how is your love life 

Amy Blushes

N- Ooooo Amy who is he

A- It's a secret

Sqaishey and Nicole cross arms and give Amy a odd look like this- 😑 (if you don't have emojis here is a example :I)

S- Common Amy spill

N- Yeah you know everything about our love lives

A- Moving on.....

S&N- *sigh*

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