Lion King

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Sq- Nicky come with me there's so much I need to tell you

I said dragging her out the door

N- Ok Ok!

We walked outside and sat on the door steps

N- I need to tell you something too! You first

Sq- Ok so I have quite a lot of news one: I reached 100,000 subscribers!

N- That's Wonderful Sqaish

Sq- There's more! this morning I hit 200,000 then when we were having dinner I reached 300,000


Sq- I have one more thing to tell you but we will say it together!

Sq&N- 3,2,1 Guess who isn't a virgin anymore?

Sq&N- OH MY GOD! *high fives*

N- So when did this happen?

Sq- Last night and you

N- The first night we were away we checked into a hotel because it was late and it just happened

Sq- That's great!

Stampys POV

S- Hey Stamps

St- Yeah?

S- Someone here isn't a virgin anymore


S- I was talking about me! WAIT! WHAT!

St- I'm not a virgin either nug

S- Oo when did you two get it on?

St- Last night what about you

S- we checked into a hotel the first night we left

Then the girls walked in

Sq- Lets watch a movie!

St- Which one


St- Okie Dokie

Sq- YAY *does a little dance*

Sqaishey turned on Netflix and immediately found the Lion King and switched it on we sat together on the sofa and so did Squid and Nicole halfway through the movie we noticed them making out so we snapped a picture and started making out as well. When we heard the end of movie music we pulled apart and started laughing because we realised how long we were making out! Squid and Nicole were laughing to because they did the exact same thing! Then we all went to bed

Sorry I know this is a very short chapter but I just wanted to get something out as its been really difficult for me to write this as I keep getting more and more homework each day I have some great things planned for the future of this book I just don't have time to write it at the minute I will update as soon as possible. Love you all ❤️

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