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Time Skip To Teh Anniversary

Sqaishey's POV

I stood on the beach, watching as the water flowed forwards and backwards in a therapeutic motion,  I've always loved the sound of the ocean, there was just something incredibly soothing about it.

Today is me and Stampys one year anniversary, I woke up to a note left on the bedside table telling me to come here and wait for Joe, my mind tried to figure out what he was up to.

A romantic picnic maybe?

A midnight swim session?

Or just a relaxing walk along the shore maybe...

To be honest I wasn't really fussed on what Stampy had planned, as lovely as dates are I much prefer lying in the house and watching a movie over being in public and saying cringy and cheesy things just because it's our anniversary.

Suddenly I felt hands cover my face "Guess wHO!" Joe screamed into my ears nearly deafening me "Joe!" I exclaimed and turned to hug him, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, I grinned up at him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

We walked along the beach in a comfortable silence for the next half hour.

I turned to look out over the sea as the sun began to set, a content smile on my lips.

"Hey Beth! That cloud looks really strange doesn't it?" Joe said pointing up at the sky.

I looked up and gasped, there in the clouds was one of the message things that you get done by a plane or something.

It spelt out:


             Will you marry me?

                                                     - Joe <3

I quickly turned to see Stampy was down on one knee, I looked into his eyes where I saw love, passion, worry and fear all at once.

He took a deep breath.

"Bethany Jayne Bates, will you make me the happiest man on earth and allow me to spend the rest of my life with you?" He asked.

My vision blurred from tears and I nodded furiously, unable to speak.

All the worry and fear vanished from Joes eyes and were replaced with joy and excitement as he put the ring on my finger and jumped up.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist, I kissed him with as much passion as I could muster.

As we pulled away I looked down at my ring, it was beautiful, a huge diamond with a gold thing that keeps it on your finger. (Yes I'm too lazy to look up what it's called now sue me)

"I love you." I said looking up at Stampy, "Well I'd better hope you love me because you just agreed to marry me!" Stampy laughed.

I shoved him playfully "Oh shut up! Can we not have a moment?" I laughed "Technically it is a moment." Joe argued.

"You're such a dork!"

"But I'm your dork!"


Cringe levels = 100%


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