Home (not really)

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Kinda short chapter 856 words enjoy!:)
Time skip to the 4th

Sqaisheys POV

I woke up to the day I dreaded the most.... Leaving time I grabbed my suitcase and started packing my things I went for Clothes first but leaving an outfit for today "Morning Sqaishey" Stampy greeted me in a sad tone "Good Morning" I replied in the same tone. " I'm gonna miss this place" "it won't be the same without you here" I don't call my apartment home anymore this is my home but that's just life. I finished packing my clothes and went started with plushies pillows Xbox, Mac and things. I put my Xbox and controllers into another bag and slipped my Mac in beside it (I brought the laptop version) I then got a big Smiths bag and put my massive Duck plushie from the fair in it then the Simba and Duck plushie from the hospital then I put the pillow that had me and Stampys Minecraft faces on from the fair inside. "All packed" I said glumly Stampy nodded in reply and I went downstairs to cook a fry for everyone (bacon, fried eggs, sausages, beans and soda bread)

Time skip

I put everything on 4 plates everyone got 2 pieces of bacon each 1 fried egg 2 sausages beans and 1 piece of soda bread "BREAKFAST IS READY!" I set the plates on the table and put out forks and knives

St- " Something smells good" Stampy said wrapping his arms around my waist " Oh and the food smells Ok as well"

Sq- Aww that's so sweet

St- I love you

Sq- I love you more

St- That's not possible

I giggled and he leaned in and kissed me I kissed back without hesitation

S- Break it up you two!

We pulled away

St- Jeez sorry Squid (Stampy sad sarcastically)

We all sat at the table

S- This is delicious Sqaishey 

N- it really is Sqaish you have so much talent

Sq- I wouldn't say talent my mum taught me how to cook when I was 7 so I think it's just practice

St- Well I love it

Stampy pulled me closer and kissed my forehead

S- What's with you two and kissing today

St- She's leaving today I'll kiss her as much as I want Squid

N- leave them be they love each other and that's what matters

We finished our breakfast. "Stampy what time will I go back to my apartment?" " Maybe about 4 I'm going to miss you so much" I started to cry and ran up stairs I can't bare the thought of leaving Stampy I entered Stampys room and shut the door I flopped on the bed and buried my head under the pillows.

Stampys POV

St- Squid will I go after her I don't want to invade to much

S- Stamps go after her she's only crying because she doesn't want to leave you

St- Thanks

I ran upstairs to my bedroom to see Sqaishey sobbing with her head buried under the pillows I sat next to her and puck her up and put her next to me " Sqaishey please don't cry it kills me to see you cry" "I love you" " I love you too everything will be okay I will come and visit you and you will come visit me and we will skype everyday"  "I'm so lucky to have you" "No I'm lucky to have you" she started crying again so I put her head on my chest and stroked her hair until she fell asleep

Time skip to 3:30

St- Sqaishey it's time we got going

Sq- Ok Stampy

We got up and loaded her stuff into the car she said bye to Squid and Nicole and we left. The car ride was silent and long Sqaishey just stared blankly out the window it was very cold and wet which didn't help our mood at all.

We arrived at her house after what seemed like years and I helped her put her stuff away

Sq- would you like some tea

St- I would love some

She poured me a cup of tea and  I thanked her we sat on the sofa beside each other and watched impractical jokers we both nearly spit out our tea laughing at the show we finished our tea and set the cups aside I looked into her eyes and kissed her passionately and she kissed backing got to the point where I was on top of her. " I think we better stop before we do something we might regret" she said stopping the kiss " Yeah good point this is getting a bit too far" I got off of her and we cuddled watching Modern Family until 6:20 " I suppose I better get going "  " I'll miss you" "I'll miss you too but tomorrow we can record some sky den" "and super happy fun times"  "Talk tomorrow" I kissed her goodbye and left the apartment

Time skip to bed time

Sqaishey and Stampys POV (weird right?!)

Imagine it like a split screen thing

"Guess I'm back to sleeping alone again" they both said

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