-Chapter One {Waking Up To Bad News}

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Used to be: 1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! 

~THIS STORY IS NOT RATED R! Just so you know ahead of time! I have no idea why it says Restricted. It's more of a PG-13 rating.

 P.S. [o2.25.11} I am in the process of editing! So please don't correct me on grammar and the occassional ** and spacing. Thank you.=] You will notice the difference from my editing and the old chapters.=]

Update - Read the new and improved version of this story. It's a work in process. Since I can't post a link, go to my profile and click Terri and Jake Chronicles 2.0.


Chapter One

-Waking Up To Bad News- 




     Hate is a strong word.

     I hear that saying a lot.

     However, I still say that word. Only because there is no other word in the English dictionary that will express emphasis on how much I intensely dislike something.

     Currently, I hate my parents. I have so much hostility to them.

     You know what the sad part is?

     It is only 7:30am.

     Here is a recap of what happened 30 minutes ago:

     "Terri! Wake up! I have some big news for you," I heard my mom shout.

     I groaned, and contemplated about actually getting up. I couldn't fall back asleep now because someone had opened my shades, making the sun shine in my room.

     I remembered that today was Saturday, a day that I usually spend sleeping in. Groaning again, I rolled over to see the time. 6:58am is what my clock was telling me.

     Confused, I blinked a couple of times, just to see if I was still half-asleep.


     No, I was awake. And my clock was not deceiving me. It was only 7am right now.


     I closed my eyes in anger before frustratingly shouting, "I'm coming!"

     That answer satisfied my mom because she didn't call me again.

     I sighed before getting up. This was earlier than I get up for school.

     Getting out of bed, I turned around and fixed it back up. I was trying to stall time, but also doing one of my chores. Cleaning was a necessity in my household. I barely cleaned though, knowing that I would dirty it back up eventually.

     I slipped on some slippers, still trying to stall time. I grabbed my robe off the back of my door. Realizing there was nothing else I could really do this early in the morning, I decided to just go downstairs.

     I realized it was a bad idea when I reached the last step.

     My name is Terri Sanders. Other people have different names for me: such as Goth, Emo Girl, and Scene Queen. I just stick with Terri.

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