Copied Perfection - Kise Ryouta x Reader

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[Y/F/C] = Your Favourite Character (other than Kise of course)

You and Kise Ryouta are the best of friends. You guys are hanging out at your house, just having a lazy day. Until something interesting sparks between the both of you. [cliché much]

"Kise, oh my god, did you hear that [Y/F/C] got a new car?! He looked so hot driving it!", you squealed to your best friend Kise Ryouta.

Kise rolled his eyes and frowned. He was jealous, extremely jealous because you were fangirling over some guy instead of him.

"And did you see his new haircut? My god, he looks like a freaking god himself", you continued.

"[F/N]-cchi, he's just a celebrity, you shouldn't get your hopes up", Kise said annoyed.

"Damara, Ryouta-kun, he is perfect and he is my entire life. And mine, only mine", you said dreamily.

He sighed but then had an idea.

"[F/N]-cchi, I need to go now. Thanks for inviting me to your house ~ssu. See you tomorrow, bye!", he ranted and left, but not before kissing your cheek lovingly.

You chuckled at your friend and resumed day dreaming about [Y/F/C].

~Time skippuh~

You walked through the doors of Kaijō High and saw the familiar faces around you. You put your books in your locker but when your eyes flickered away for a second you almost had a fucking heart attack. There Ryouta-kun was dressed up EXACTLY like [Y/F/C] and smirks as he walked over to you.

He says one of [Y/F/C]'s famous lines and speaks in [Y/F/C]'s accent. Trust me, it was bloody horrible.

"Ryouta-kun?", you asked laughing.

"Ryouta-kun? Who the hell is that? I'm [Y/F/C]", he stated proudly.

You giggled and smirked after saying, "Is someone jealous?"

"What are you talking about woman?"

"Ryouta-kun, I may love [Y/F/C] like a hell of a lot but I love you more", you said smiling.

His cheeks flushed pink and he smiled shyly.

"Ne, I just thought if I perfect copied [Y/F/C] then you would love me like you love him", he admitted rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

"You actually did a good job. I guess they don't call you the perfect copier of the Generation of Miracles for nothing"

He chuckled, "I'm glad to hear that [F/N]-cchi. How did you like it when I incorporated my modelling skills into the act?"

"Oh god, don't even start on that", you said and the both of you burst out laughing.

"So...will [F/N]-cchi u-um, g-go out with me?", he stuttered as he looked at the floor.

You giggled and nodded, "Can't say no to you, Ryouta-kun"

"Great!! Pick you up at 8 [L/N]-cchi!", he said enthusiastically and hugged you while jumping up and down.

Sometimes you felt like killing him for being so hyper.

"Baka, put me down!", you yelled and he let go of you.

"Ah gomen, gomen, [L/N]-cchi, I just got really excited. Well, see you later, bye!", he said and skipped away happily.

Sometimes, you just couldn't get enough of this baka.


Yayy, first Imagine! I hope that you enjoyed it and there are many more to come so be prepared! The rest will be better than this and probably longer. I'm just starting from the bottom of the stairs here, if you know what I mean.

Next we have a Daiki imagine written by senpai divi0lurves0percy. After that we're gonna have some gay shit, how does that sound?

I would really appreciate it if you vote and comment.

Sayonara! X

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