Tsunderima - Midorima Shintarō x Takao Kazunari Pt. 1

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f.t. Imayoshi Shouichi

"Imayoshi-san", whispered Takao urgently, "I really need your help"

"Ne~Takao-kun", said Imayoshi, "Only for a price"


Midorima paced the hallways of Shutoku High waiting for Takao. He was extremely irritated and maybe just a bit anxious.

"Where is that baka?", he muttered to himself just as the doors burst open.

"Shin-chaaan! Gomen, gomen!", said Takao panting. "Let's go now"

"Kazunari", snapped Midorima, "What took you so long?"

"Oh... um.... I had to run in of sorts with Imayoshi-san", Takao said evasively.

"Imayoshi?", said Midorima surprised. "Aomine's captain right?"

"Hai", Takao replied.

"Why the hell were you with that devious snake?!"

"Shin-chan! I think Imayoshi's actually kind of nice..."

Midorima spluttered, "What do you mean 'he's nice' ?! He's evil and he is bad news. Stay away from him, got it?"

"Shin-chan, don't talk about Imayoshi-san like that and don't tell me what to do", Takao replied sharply.

He walked ahead of Midorima quickly as Midorima looked at his retreating head in baffled surprise. The third-years were completely quiet during the ride home. The usually talkative Takao was irritated and Midorima was contemplating about Takao's words. Midorima got off and Takao went his way without any sort of farewell for Midorima. Midorima blinked. What was wrong with Takao? He always said bye even if he was angry. Was he that pissed only because he had said some words about Imayoshi? But Imayoshi meant nothing to either of them unless...no, no there was no way. 

He could not think like that. Takao wouldn't do that, not with that teme. But what if he was actually...? How was that even possible? To love someone for so long only to lose him to someone like that. He even got Takao the daily Scorpio lucky item. Surely Takao would be able to understand how much he meant to Midorima...

~[Another] Meanwhile~

Takao hurried along his street. It had been Imayoshi's idea to not say 'bye' to Midorima but Takao had felt his heart constrict when he had done that. But if it was necessary...

"Did you manage to do everything?", asked a sneaky looking bespectacled man.

"Hai", said an unusually subdued Takao.

"Well then it is time for our next move", Imayoshi said smirking.

~Time skippuh to one week later~

Imayoshi, Imayoshi, Imayoshi. Midorima was sick of hearing the same word over and over again, but sadly that was the only person that Takao would talk about.

"...and Imayoshi-kun even showed me around this place downtown and it's awesome! You can get the best ever sushi there", Takao said excitedly.

"Kazunari, damara", Midorima said sharply. 

Takao looked at him intently and Midorima flushed.

"Baka! What are you looking at?!", Midorima asked blushing.

"Ehh...nothing, Shin-chan, and nothing will forever remain", Takao said sighing.

"Well, get over your nothing", Midorima snapped.

"Anyway, back to Imayoshi", Takao said brightly.

Midorima just scowled.

~That afternoon~

Midorima told himself that he had to accept this new possibility. Takao seemed to be talking about Imayoshi continuously for a week ever since he 'bumped' into him, therefore there was an 80% chance that Takao was romantically or even. . . . . .

sexually involved with Imayoshi.

But Takao's personal life did not matter to Midorima. He gulped and tried to suppress his despair. So what if that guy he had fervently loved for 3 years was with another man? Nothing wrong, life still went on.  [It rhymes!]

Midorima pushed his glasses up and went in pursuit of Takao. "Where has he gone again?", he muttered to himself irritatedly. He went behind the school and froze at the scene before him.

An uneasy looking Takao was gripping a smirking Imayoshi's shoulder. He watched in horror as Imayoshi kissed Takao. Takao flailed as if in surprise, but then he succumbed. Takao's eyes widened as he noticed Midorima and, as if reflecting his mood, the sky thundered and it began to rain. Midorima walked and then ran away from the scene, thankful for the rain as it washed away the tears on his face.

~Faggot Queen

Ayyyy sad ending, how 'bout that?

Just kidding. This is only Part 1 so...yay!

There are 3 parts btw, but basically like 6 parts cos it is actually related to the AoKise imagines. You'll find out later ;)

So thanks to divi0lurves0percy for writing the entire thing *pats you on the back*

Coming up:

Murasakibara x Reader

Aomine x Reader

Akashi x Reader

Kuroko x Reader (Confirmed!)

Sayonara X

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