Possible Change - Haizaki Shōgo x Reader

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Everyone in this world had a skill. Whether they knew it or not, they had it in them. Some people worked to improve this skill, while some didn't. Some believed that their skill was at their best, so they didn't do anything about it. Little did they know, they were slowly losing to others by doing nothing, and that they were falling behind. One of these people was Haizaki. 

Going to school one day you heard a few wolf-whistles and turned to see none other than the silver headed basketball player. He smirked and cocked his head while you only sighed and continued walking. Bad move. Soon you felt him grip your wrist and pin you against the wall.

"Ow, Haizaki, let go, please. I'll talk to you just don't-"

He scoffed, "I don't want to talk, baka. You know what I want"

He smirked and leaned closer and you had no choice but to defend yourself. You raised your knee and gave him a hard one where the sun shined. He grunted and stepped back falling to the ground. You ran before he could catch you. God knows what he would do to you. When you reached school you finally felt safe. You went to the toilet to freshen up.

Everything that just happened replayed in your head. This wasn't the Haizaki that you knew. He was different. You remembered when he was once this innocent little boy, who'd do nothing to harm you, except make you laugh until you couldn't breathe. Life hadn't been easy on Haizaki, and you regret everyday that you didn't do anything to make it easier for him. And before you knew it, he changed. You missed him. But you knew that you couldn't change him back. You had to accept him the way that he was, which was quite hard.

You left the toilet a while after and walked to class, meeting up with a few of your friends. Your school day went fine, until you met up with the bad boy at your locker. He was standing there with a pissed expression on his face, muttering something that sounded like curse words. You froze for a second, afraid to step any closer but it was too late. He already saw you. He charged towards you and grabbed your forearm, dragging you to a more secluded area. He roughly threw you against the wall and you whimpered, looking up at him. His eyes had a wild fire burning in them. He was filled with rage and you knew you were going to get it good.

"You think you're so strong? You fucking bitch", he hissed as he gave you one hard slap across your cheek.

You gasped and clutched the side of your face.

"To ever think that I wanted to sleep with you. You're disgusting, worthless, I shouldn't even be looking at you right now you slut", he spat.

You cried softly as you looked at him.

"Is this what I get for staying by your side?", you said sadly, softly. 

He quietened for a second before glaring at you, "Don't talk as if you did so much for me, you shit, you obviously just did it because of my looks"

"Shōgo!", you yelled, feeling anger in your veins.

"Don't yell at me!", he roared and threw a punch to your shoulder.

You cried out and glared at him. "If I only wanted you for your looks I'd be long gone by now you idiot! Do you know how much shit I got because of you?! I tolerated so much because you were my best friend! Just look at what you've become. It's like I don't know you anymore!"

"You never knew me", he spat. "Just because we spent time together doesn't mean I owe my life to you, [F/N]. And people change, get over it"

"You're only like this because your father died! He was worthless anyway you don't need to act this way because of a bastard like him!"

And after you said that sentence, you felt the most amount of pain you had ever felt in your life. Again and again, he was hitting you, cursing at you, and you took it all. You cried, tears mixing with your blood to create a salty taste in your mouth. 

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