Conflict - Midorima Shintarō x Reader

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f.t. Takao Kazunari and Otsubo-senpai

*Kuso means God dammit, Nande means why, Ie means no, Hontoni means really and Daijobu desu means It's okay [but originally I'm okay] for those who didn't know, kay? :D  

It was another normal day at Shutoku High School. You were eating your lunch which was your famous bento that you enjoyed making but eating it even more. [if you can't cook just pretend you can bcos cooking is awesome]. You were about to place an egg roll in your mouth when someone slapped your back so hard it went flying to the floor. Gazing at your egg roll sadly, you put your chopsticks down and let out a grumble. Turning around to see who had caused this, you were met with a huge smile.

"[F/N]-chan! Watcha doing?", Takao asked as he plopped himself onto the seat next you.

"Oh, I was just reading porn in the invisible book that's placed in front of me right now", you replied sarcastically.

Takao burst out laughing and swung an arm around your shoulders.

"Ne, you're really funny [F/N]-chan. Anyway, I just wanted to ask you, do you wanna hang out after basketball practice today? I thought it would be nice if we go out", Takao said.

"Are you asking me out?", you asked smirking.

"A-ano, you could say that"

"Oh, sure. I'll be waiting outside the court then"

"Absolutely not! You have to sit inside"

"And do what? Have the smell of sweat fill my nostrils? No way"

"Oh come on, [F/N]-chan, it's not that bad. I'll impress you with my tricks! Then you won't be so bored"

"Hmm, fine. I'm coming only to see you fail though"

"Pftt, wait and see [F/N]-chan, wait and see"

You smirked at him and went back to eating your food while Takao just kept blabbering nonsense into your ear which you didn't really pay attention to. After a while he had to leave, and he bid you goodbye by slapping another egg roll out from your chopsticks. You kept your cool and promised yourself that you'd try not to stab that baka. You carefully kept your bento box back into your bag and pulled the mini milk box you had brought to drink. But then you realized:

Kuso, this piece of shit doesn't have a bloody straw, why is my life cursed with such a crisis?

Grumbling, you stood up with your mini milk box and walked over to the counter selling food, hoping that they had a straw. But when you reached you saw this tall, and I mean, extremely tall green haired guy in front of you. A small gasp emitted from your lips at the muscular tall shit in front of you. Then it struck you, it was Midorima Shintarō, the shooting guard.

And so you waited, and waited, and sighed, and sighed, and yawned, and waited, and finally you got pissed. Why was he taking so damn long? You peeked to the front to see a girl, around her 20's, was giggling and enjoying the presence of Midorima. She scooped each item slowly and placed it on his plate. 'And here we observe, in it's natural habitat, a dumb sloth'

It took ages for her to finish, and when she did, she was about to pass the tray to Midorima but alas, she dropped it onto the floor. 'I will strangle her', you thought. Finally you decided to just ask for that damn straw, and leave. 

"A-Ano, sumimasen, could I have a straw?", you asked.

Midorima turned around and looked at you. Moving slightly he let you move in front. But the girl at the counter didn't take any of your shit.

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