Shadows Hate Spiders Pt. 2 - Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader

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f.t. Hanamiya Makoto

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon at Kuroko's house. You guys were hanging out as a couple this time, not as friends. You were sat on Kuroko's lap while he toyed with your fingers. Nigou was sat next to you on the sofa, sleeping soundly. 

"How did I ever get so lucky, [F/N]-san?"

You smiled and brushed his light blue hair out of his face. Slowly you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the lips. Kuroko wrapped his arms around you and kissed back while gently caressing the back of your head. His tongue slipped past your lips and into your mouth, leaving no place untouched. [A/N: This is so uncomfortable to write *cries in a well*]

You pulled away breathless and Kuroko smiled while placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 

"Hey, Tetsu-kun, are you hungry?", you asked feeling your stomach grumble.

"Yes, would you mind cooking, [F/N]-san?"

"No, I don't mind. Let me go check what's left in the fridge", you said as you hopped off his lap.

You opened the fridge door and all that was left were some eggs, beans and leftover miso soup. You cringed and closed the fridge door.

"Is everything alright, [F/N]-san?", Kuroko asked.

"Tetsu-kun, how do you stay alive? [Bee gees ref lln]"

Kuroko looked at you confused and you sighed. "Do you ever eat anything other than your vanilla milkshake?"

"Not really, [F/N]-san"

"We are in need of a ton of ingredients. I'm just going to stop by the supermarket to get some stuff. You stay here"

"I can come with you"

"No, someone has to look after Nigou. I'll be back real quick, don't worry Tetsu-kun"

He nodded and gave you a kiss on the cheek before you left. You walked to the nearest supermarket and started shopping for ingredients. You were planning on making some udon with tempura...and a vanilla milkshake because: Kuroko

While you were moving down the aisle you spotted Hanamiya, buying some soft drinks in the corner.

"Makoto-kun!", you said and waved. He turned around and smirked at you.

You walked over to him and smiled. "Hey, Makoto-kun"

"Hey, [F/N]. What's up?"

"Just shopping for some ingredients to cook for Tetsu-kun"

And then it hit you. You weren't supposed to talk to Hanamiya any more. God dammit Kuroko. But he couldn't just take you away from him, could he? Ah fuck it, one meet up wouldn't hurt. You were happily chatting with Hanamiya when you spotted the bluenette several aisles away. Oh shit.

What is he doing here?

You gulped and told Hanamiya all about it but he just waved it off saying that is was normal for him to get jealous. You thanked Hanamiya for understanding and then hid behind one of the aisles, making sure that Kuroko didn't see you. You started to panic. You couldn't see him any more. God damn his lack of presence. You were looking around trying to find him when-


You jumped and let out a small scream as you turned to face your boyfriend.

You sighed in relief, "Tetsu-kun, my goodness"

"What are you up to, [F/N]-san?", he asked.

Kuroko didn't look normal, he seemed...angry? Again? What's up with him?

"Oh, I was, looking at these potatoes. They seem to be on sale today, how great is that?!", you tried to cover up.

Kuroko only glared at you and you sighed. "I was with Makoto-kun", you mumbled.

"You didn't have to tell me, I saw everything. Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?"

"I know but...Tetsu-kun, he's my best friend. We've known each other since we were kids and I can't just throw away our friendship like that"

Kuroko looked at you with his poker face, and then looked down.

"Gomen, [F/N]-san. I've only just realized what I've made you do. I apologize. I guess, I hate it when [F/N]-san gets all comfortable with someone else"

You smiled and ruffled his hair. "Tetsu-kun, it's okay. I can get quite jealous of Momoi-san sometimes as well"

Kuroko smiled back and pulled you in for a hug. 

"I love you, [F/N]-san"

"I love you too, Tetsu-kun"

"Oi, oi! Just make out already!", you heard Hanamiya yell from behind you.

You were so embarrassed that you almost fainted.


Coming up:

Aomine x Kuroko

Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao Pt. 2 (MUST FREAKING READ)

Kuroko x Momoi (they do not get together....I did not spoil that for you)

Aomine x Kise - AoKise! Pt. 3 (In continuation of Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao)

Teiko Special <3

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