Forgotten - Midorima Shintarō x Reader

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Requested by Makotofangirl11

Warning: Angst Imagine so be prepared to cri....or not


f.t. Takao Kazunari

You went to school really really happy that day. It was the happiest that you felt in that year.....well not exactly, maybe if you exclude the time when your boyfriend, Midorima Shintarō took you out on a date and confessed to you even though he's such a tsun. Anyway, you walked into your school, Shūtoku, and was greeted by your classmates. All of them cheered and took turns hugging you.

"Happy birthday, [L/N]!", one of your friends said.


Almost 20 minutes were spent because of everyone wishing you and giving you gifts. You thanked them all and felt really lucky to have friends like them. You walked to your locker with the ton of gifts in your hand. Suddenly you felt one slip out of your grip, causing others on top to slip as well and they were about to fall on the ground when someone rushed in and caught them for you.

"Oh, arigatou gozai-Shin-chan?"

"You need to be more careful. You're as clumsy as ever, nanodayo"

You ignored him and smiled, "How are you today, babe?"

Midorima blushed at your name for him and looked down. 

"I-I'm fine. What's with all the gifts nanodayo?"

You looked at him in shock. He didn't know?

"Oh this? I-it's nothing, just a little thank you gift from my friends for helping them with their projects. They got the highest in class so they felt the need to reward me", you lied.

"Hm, okay. [F/N], I need you to do me a favour, nanodayo"

"Yeah sure, what is it?"

"I need you to drop by the store and get me all the seafood you can nanodayo. It's an emergency", Midorima said.

"Does this have to do with your horoscope thingy again?", you asked clearly annoyed.

"It's not just a 'horoscope thingy', [F/N], it's a matter of life and death and I desperately need the seafood nanodayo"

You sighed. He remembered the horoscope thing but he didn't remember today.....

"Why don't you just go buy it yourself then?", you said.

"I can't, nanodayo. I have class after this and you have a free period so I'm asking you to get it for me"

"And why should I?", you snapped.

Midorima looked taken aback with your tone and he pushed his glasses up his nose. "Because you're my girlfriend and if you really do care for me I suggest you go and buy me my lucky item nanodayo"

You glared at him for a second before storming off to your locker. Midorima sighed and followed you. You angrily opened your locker and shoved your presents inside and shut it after. You turned around harshly and stuck your hand out.

"Money", you said in a sharp tone.

Midorima looked at you weirdly before handing you the money.

"Consider yourself lucky to have a girlfriend like me....stupid carrothead"

"O-Oi! Don't call me that nanodayo!"

"Well too bad, I just did!", you retorted and then walked out of school to go buy your boyfriend his lucky item.

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