Ganguro Ahomine - Aomine Daiki x Reader

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{Aomine with glasses just kills me...} 

You and Aomine were roof buddies. In fact, that was how you first met. You were just relaxing on the rooftop enjoying solitude when that bakayarō barged into your private area. [I'm talking about the rooftop area not any other private area, get your mind out of the gutter!]

You pleaded, glared and pushed but the stubborn bluenette would not budge. Eventually you guys came to an uneasy truce and a friendship had blossomed with only one complication - you had the hugest crush on him.

"Oi, Aho, pass me one of your magazines. I'm so bored", you complained on one lazy afternoon.

He had skipped class and you had a free period so the both of you decided to hang out on the roof.

"Eh, magazine? You won't like it, it's a gravure", he mumbled lazily.

"I know you baka hentai, but there are some pretty hot pics of topless guys in your mags. Like that picture of Kise-kun in swimming trunks", you said dreamily.

Truth be told, you would rather a have a picture of topless Aomine, but you couldn't exactly say that could you? Aomine had snapped his head up at the mention of Kise. 

"Since when did you like Kise, huh?", he said looking at you very intensely and intently. You were unnerved by his weird and random staring and began ranting some nonsense about Kise.

"Oh um yeah! He is sooo hot! Especially when he has all that water on his body and you can, um, see the water droplets on his abs and um..."

Aomine P.O.V

What the hell? What was [F/N] ranting about? Was Kise really that good looking? Fucking teme, stealing everything from me....."soo hot! Blah blah...water on his body....blah blah...his abs and um...", [F/N] was still rambling apparently. He smirked. Time to put a stop to that Kise shit and show her who exactly was attractive.

Back to normal P.O.V

You frowned. Why was Aomine smirking so scarily? He abruptly stood up and started loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. 

"O-oi! Daiki, what the hell are you doing?! Stop stripping!", you said frantically.

He tugged his shirt away from his body and your mouth went dry at the sight of his abs.

"Ne, [F/N]", he said still smirking, "I remember you saying something about water on abs?"

He grabbed his sports bottle and sprayed water all over his body. Your eyes unwillingly tracked the path of water on his body and you gulped.

Aomine approached you like you were his prey, he had a dangerous glint in his eyes. You had backed away and squeaked when you came in contact with rough concrete. Aomine had you trapped. He lowered his head so your eyes would be at the same level. He parted your lips with his fingers and moved to kiss you and...

"Aominecchi!!", yelled Kise. "How are youuu? AAK!?"

Aomine groaned, "Kise you bastard, fuck you, you're always ruining everything"

"Aominecchi!! So mean!!!!!!!!! [so many exclamations lln] And anyway, aren't you taking ideas from my photoshoot to seduce [F/N]-cchi?", Kise said pouting.

"Get the fuck out Kise", growled Aomine and kicked Kise out.

"And remember [F/N], you're my girlfriend now, there's no backing out"

~Faggot Queen

Thanks to divi0lurves0percy for writing this because on my request. Coming up next is an Aokise and this has 3 Parts so a few imagines will be published in between these parts but for a good cause. 

P.S. I wrote the Aokise ones so be prepared for all the gay ;)

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