Absolute at bottoming, that is - Akashi Seijūrō x Kuroko Tetsuya

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[A/N: Warning: This is mature content so read at your own risk (but there's no typed smut so don't worry :D ) ]

"Seijūrō-kun, said Kuroko, "since we have been in a relationship for some time I wish to have intercourse with you"

Akashi nodded sharply, "I agree, Tetsuya. I shall procure lubricant so that you may prepare yourself for me"

Akashi may have sounded composed but he was, in fact, blushing a lot. Even his ears were red, rivalling Kuroko's excellent poker face.

"Seijūrō-kun, I believe it is you who must prepare. I will be entering you tonight", replied Kuroko.

Akashi glanced at Kuroko sharply, "Tetsuya. Do not ever defy me in such a way. You know I will top, I will always top. Now please excuse me, I must get the lube"

Akashi turned on his heel and made for the door. He was about to put hi hand on the doorknob when Kuroko grabbed the back of his shirt and slammed him into the wall, his body pinning him in place. Akashi's eyes flashed angrily.

"Tetsuya!, You dare presume to- unghmph!"

Akashi's sentence was cut short by the harsh press of Kuroko's lips against his own. Kuroko slid a hand up Akashi's shirt trying to get a feel of his stomach, his mouth simultaneously working furiously against Akashi's, preventing any sound from escaping his mouth because Akashi's protests had turned into moans.

Akashi, out of breath, broke away from Kuroko and said almost whiningly, "Tetsuya, I am absolute. You must let me top"

Kuroko replied, his voice an uncharacteristic seductive purr, "Oh my Seijūrō-kun, you are so kawaii. Don't worry, you'll still be absolute, at bottoming that is"

~The next day~

"Tetsuya, I am never talking to you again", said Akashi angrily as he struggled to make his way across the room, unable to walk. 

"Kuroko stirred between the sheets of Akashi's bed, "May I ask why, Seijūrō-kun?"

"You went at me too hard last night", Akashi said grumpily, "I can barely walk"

"But Seijūrō-kun", replied Kuroko with his poker face, "Your screams of pleasure last night definitely say something else"

"Shut up!"

~Faggot Queen

Written by divi0lurves0percy. Arigatō divcchi! Hoped you liked it

Coming up:

Aomine x Kise (Part 2)

Hyuga Junpei x Aida Riko

Midorima x Takao Pt.1 (Important. Must read) 

Murasakibara x Reader

Sayonara X

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