Sad Life - Kuroko Tetsuya x Momoi Satuki ...not

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f.t. Aomine Daiki

It was a rainy evening. Momoi was admiring her schoolmates eating the new confectionery snack. 'It looks delicious', she thought. 'Maybe I should get one?'

She checked her bag for any spare change but there was a distinct lack of money. Momoi felt disheartened. She couldn't join in with her friends and enjoy the snack. She looked down and felt tears welling up when...

"Domo", said a voice. She looked up and saw a boy with light blue hair and same coloured eyes looking down at her.

"Here, have this", he passed her a finished stick of the snack. Momoi was enraged. How dare someone, a boy even, mock her?

"Nani?! Kore wa nan desuka?!", she yelled. [Translation: What?! What is this?!]

The blue haired boy simply turned the stick around to show some wording. Winner, it said. Momoi felt like she was on the moon. This boy, this schoolmate of hers, had given her a winner stick. She had decided that she had a crush on him ever since.

She realized that he had joined the Teiko Basketball Club. She was ecstatic when she heard the news, and even more when she saw him become good friends with her childhood friend, Aomine. One day, she was walking back home with Aomine ( who was the ONLY other person, except for Kuroko, who had some sense of chivalry) when she decided to ask him.

"Dai-chan?", she called softly. He was deliberately ignoring her as usual. "Dai-chan", she called again. Finally, she yelled, "AOMINE-KUN!", which finally broke him out of his reverie. 

"What, Satsuki?", he asked lazily irritated. 

"D-Do you think T-Tetsu-kun...likes me?", she asked bashfully.

"Satsuki, how the hell do you think I'd know about this stuff?", Aomine said clearly not wanting to be involved in this.

"Dai-chan! You're so mean!", she exclaimed. "What do you mean you don't know? You're straight right?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, of course! Of course I'm straight! What, you think I'm gay?", Aomine scoffed. [A/N: Yes]

"N-No, Dai-chan, that's not what I-"

"Good...", he ended, clearly satisfied that she wasn't on his tail.

"So, d-do you think he likes me?"

[A/N: From this part on I started writing cos Devi_S didn't know how to end it]

"Go ask him, if he dumps you just get over it", he said looking away.

"A-Aomine-kun! How could you say that?!"

"Tch, just do it"

Momoi sighed and looked at the ground. Maybe Kuroko was better off without a girlfriend. She would hold him down if she was. She looked at Aomine who was looking ahead of himself. 

'Maybe I should just move on', she thought.

~Faggot(Devi_S) and Mushroom-chan(me!daikiaomine112)

Coming up:

Aomine x Kise - AoKise! Pt. 3 (In continuation of Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao)

Teiko Special - AoKuro

Nijimura x Reader

Momoi x Male!Reader

Akashi x Reader

Sayonara X

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