Sleep with you - AoKuro

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"I'm sorry Daiki-kun, but I did not hear you, please repeat yourself", said Kuroko gazing impassively at Aomine.

Aomine averted his eyes and cursed softly, he was pretty sure Kuroko had heard him and he did not want to repeat himself. He let out a breath and arranged his face into his usual scowling expression, "I asked you if you wanted to sleep with me"

Kuroko blinked, "Oh, so it's your usual perverted nonsense. In that case, I decline. Today's match was tiring and I do not have your stamina"

Aomine spluttered and looked away embarrassed. His cheeks were darkening and Kuroko took note of this. Aomine would never get so flustered if their conversation was of a sexual topic, clearly there was something more that he was letting on.

"I didn't m-mean it that way", replied Aomine awkwardly.

"In what way?"

"You know..."

"You mean of a sexual sense"


"Then what did you mean, Dai-san [A/N: Holy shit]"

"I...I just want to hold you. No R-18 stuff, it's just been long since we properly spent time together and I.....miss you, just a bit"

Aomine's entire face had gone red because of this. In fact, his ears were also and interesting shade of crimson. Kuroko just stared at Aomine without blinking, his face inscrutable, while Aomine fidgeted and moved. Finally, he couldn't take the silence any longer.

"Oi, Tetsu!", said Aomine heatedly, "Just fucking answer me already"

"Gomen, Dai-san", said Kuroko, "It's just that I was marvelling at how adorable a man more than six feet tall can be. I was also trying to prevent a major nosebleed from occurring"

Aomine groaned and crumpled to the floor in embarrassment.

"In case if you were still wondering, my answer is: Yes, I would like to sleep with you non-sexually"

~Faggot Queen

Coming up:

Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao Pt. 2 (MUST FREAKING READ)

Kuroko x Momoi (they do not get together....I did not spoil that for you)

Aomine x Kise - AoKise! Pt. 3 (In continuation of Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao)

Teiko Special <3

Nijimura x Reader

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