Dusk Till Dawn - Kagami Taiga

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[A/N: Song fic! An angsty one. I chose this song because I'm in love with it and if any of you haven't heard it you should because it sounds really good. And this one's for Bakagami because he needs some love. I was this close to writing for Aomine. This close]

Not tryna be indie
Not tryna be cool
Just tryna be in this
Tell me how you choose
Can you feel why you're in this
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room  

He wants you, so much. And he tries, so, so hard everyday to get a bit of you. Once in love, now shattered. His heart lost it's strength, lost it's adhesive to hold itself together. It was a rocky road with the two of you, and you couldn't hold on. But Kagami, he could. He knows that there's still love somewhere but he doesn't know where. All of this is love, but you couldn't see it. All of this was perfect, but you didn't feel it. You chose him, and then you were sure that you made the wrong choice. So you escaped the mess that was caused by nothing other than the affection between the two of you. The door wasn't open, wasn't meant to be opened but you opened it, it was what you chose and Kagami had to leave it to you. The choice wasn't mutual even though the both of you thought that it was. You were trapped while he felt free. It was the opposite feelings that repelled the two of you, and you were confused and thought that those feelings were the same. The windows were shut leaving no air for the both of you to breathe. That was your relationship. It was suffocating.

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby
And I wanna feel you, too
I wanna see the sunrise and your sins
Just me and you
Light it up, on the run
Let's make love, tonight
Make it up, fall in love, try  

But he still loved you. He cherished every moment, every touch, every breath, every sight, every feel and every flaw. He loved the good and bad sides of you. He felt like the world was nothing but the two of you and the both of you could just live on. You however thought that this had to end. It isn't working, you said. And he forced himself to believe you. He believed that you spoke nothing but the truth but you lied. You lied because it was working but you just didn't want it to. Why did you fall in love with me?, he asked. At that moment it felt like asking that question was wrong. That question should have never been asked if you had loved him in the first place. Running away from the fire, only gets you caught in a disaster. The harsh love between the two of you sparked every night, but it wasn't what he wanted. He wanted love, he wanted to feel that raw, pure energy, but he never felt it from you. And he didn't know if it was because you didn't have it, or whether you didn't want to give it to him. To try to love, is non existent. Love isn't an experiment to test out or try. If it is, it isn't love.

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here  

Despite everything, the unconditional love was missing. Kagami emitted a lot of it but from you there was only a minute response. To think that he's had so many conflicting thoughts about you when you never thought of even being with him hurt. It hurt him, and it made him hurt others. It made him hurt you. But he still wouldn't let you go. He knew that this was what love was and he asked for it but your definition of love was different. How can there be two definitions for a word? It proves how complex the word is. As the sun rises he saw you, as the sun set you saw him. It was like things worked differently between the two of you. How can there be so much sadness in something that was supposed to bring happiness? Maybe that something that provides happiness wasn't there in the first place. Love wasn't there in the first place.

We were shut like a jacket
So do your zip
We will roll down the rapids
To find a wave that fits
Can you feel where the wind is
Can you feel it through
All of the windows
Inside this room  

There was no solution to find a solution. You never told him anything nor did he. There was nothing to pull you to together anymore. There was nothing that could save this. There was nothing that could blow you away, when you saw him each and every day. Everything was transparent. Including your love. What love? , you asked and sobbed to your hearts content. You don't know if you lost it all, or if you purposely threw it away. The amount of regret you had for yourself, for him, the person you thought you once loved, but didn't. It was huge. Why could't you have avoided him? But you were the one who went to him. Who's fault is it? Who's the one to blame?

"It's not me, Kagami."

"It's not me either, [F/N]"

"It's the both of us"

So that was how it ended. With a lot of regret, sorrow and pain. With a touch of love.


Okayy this was pretty bad I honestly don't know what the hell I was thinking but yeah. I just poured out whatever I felt was related to the lyrics of this song. I think I need to start getting some ideas from you guys.


What do you guys want more of? Ideas for the next imagine? Do tell me if there are any. Otherwise I'll write only when I have the inspiration, it's really hard to write something good without support T^T

But still, I'd like to thank those who voted on other parts and commented, it means a lot, thank you <3

Until next time

Sayonara X

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