Not just a senpai - Kise Ryōta x Kasamatsu Yukio

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f.t. Akashi Seijūrō, Nijimura Shūzō, Midorima Shintarō, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kuroko Tetsuya, Momoi Satsuki, Takao Kazunari, Himuro Tatsuya, Kagami Taiga and the one and only..... Shruthi-chan :P

It was a lovely day at Maji Burger with the GOM, Takao, Momoi, Kagami, Himuro, Kasamatsu and Shruthi-chan. [A/N: Another imagine with me in it lol]. Everyone was having a nice chat about the olden days with the Teiko basketball team. Aomine started bragging about how he was so good and how no one could stop him and everyone was starting to get pissed.

"Like literally, the only one who could beat me was me"

"You hear that Aomine? Your sentence was in past tense", Shruthi said.

"Shut up, you can't even play basketball well", he retorted.

"At least I don't suck as much as you do!"

"Excuse me?!"

"Urusai! Jeez, you guys can never stop bickering", Momoi complained.

"They have always been like that nanodayo. Up to no good"

"Oi!", Aomine and I chorused. 
"Ne, Shin-chan, don't be so mean towards them. I mean, how else are they going to get along?", Takao said.

"By talking like normal people do nanodayo"

"Oi carrot head, you better stop before I tell everyone what your lucky item is for today", Shruthi warned.

Midorima blushed, "U-Urusai nanodayo! Not a word!"

Shruthi smirked and leaned back against the chair. 

"Aomine-kun, please be nicer to Shruthi-san", Kuroko said.

"You see?! Thanks Kuroko-kun. You're my only friend", Shruthi said.

"But Shruthi-cchi, what about me?", Kise whined.

"She's not into you, baka!", Kasamatsu said, slapping the back of his head.

"Ittaiii, Kasamatsu senpai"

Shruthi giggled and petted Kise's head. "So are you, Kise-kun"

"Hey guys, I'm getting up to to get another round of food, anyone want some?", Kagami asked.

"Could you get me another drink, Taiga?", Himuro asked.

"Sure. Hey Ahomine, what about you?", Kagami asked.

"No thanks, I'll steal from Shruthi", Aomine said lazily.

"You touch my food and I'll cut you", Shruthi snapped.

"You have learnt well, Shruthi", Akashi said petting Shruthi's head.

"On second thought, get me another round of burgers", Aomine said.

Kagami left to go order the food and everyone engaged in their own conversations again. Suddenly Akashi's phone rang and he excused himself to answer the call. Kagami came back with the food and Aomine grabbed a burger and handed it to Shruthi.

"You want one?", he asked.

"..........Is this supposed to be some sort of joke? Because if it is then it's not funny"

"I'm just giving you a burger god dammit"

"But you never give anyone burgers"

"Well now I'm giving one to you"

"Why? Do you fancy me that much Aomine-kun?", Shruthi teased smirking.

"Shut up!"

Shruthi laughed and waved her hand. "I'm joking, baka. Anyway, no thanks. I'm pretty full"

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