Cake - Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader AU

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Murasakibara carefully squirted the last touch of icing onto the cake. Once he was done, he put the cake aside carefully, wrapping it in a box to be given to a customer tomorrow. He sighed and looked at the mess around him. He had taken the night shift and it was already 1 a.m. The bakery was closed of course, but Murasakibara kept on working. He was really tired, bags underneath his eyes, his back hunching and strand of hair fell messily from his ponytail. He decided instead of cleaning, he'd just eat the extra ingredients instead, he was hungry anyway. He leaned back in his chair and licked the remains of icing off a spoon. He was almost done with everything, and he wasn't even half full. He decided to call it a day and go to a convenience store and buy some food there, or, he could ask Himuro to cook something for him. He was sweeping the floor, when suddenly he heard someone knocking on the entrance doors.

"Hello?! Sumimasen, could someone please open up?! Please?! Anyone?!", a female voice shouted.

Murasakibara set the broom aside and lifted the shutters only to find a really beautiful [Hair Colour] girl standing out in the cold with pink cheeks and little snowflakes caught in her hair. Murasakibara hurriedly unlocked the door for her to enter. She puffed her cheeks, trying to get herself warm and Murasakibara only stared at her beautiful features.

"Ano~we're actually closed", Murasakibara said in a lazy tone.

"I know, I know. I just, um, this is really important. You see, I- *cough* *cough*-"

Murasakibara frowned and patted your back as you coughed. You apologised and kept on coughing which caused Murasakibara to worry so he placed you on a chair and went to get some blankets for you. He draped them around you and then proceeded to go to the kitchen. He prepared some hot tea and a few croissants and brought it back to the dining area and placed it on the table in front of you. You stared at Murasakibara in shock before sending him a grateful smile and sipping on your tea. Murasakibara smiled lightly as he sat next to you, making sure you were alright.

"I'm sorry, I must be a real bother at this time of the night", you said.

"Maa maa~ you don't have to apologise, lady-chin"

You giggled, "I'm [L/N] [F/N], but you can call me [F/N]. And you are?"

"I'm Murasakibara Atsushi, but since my name is too long, [F/N]-chin can give me a nickname"

"Hm....I guess I'll call you Sushi-kun then", you said with a bright smile. Murasakibara nodded and smiled back as you continued eating your food.

"Are you feeling better, [F/N]-chin?"

"Oh yes, thank you. It was really kind of you to give me all of this. How much is it?", you asked.

"Eh? [F/N]-chin, you don't have to pay for this, you know"

"Hah? Really? But that's not fair, I-"

"[F/N]-chin is a very beautiful lady, she shouldn't be alone in the streets at night. Also she is sick, so I had to help her"

"S-Sushi-kun....a-arigatou", you said.

"It's alright. Now can you tell me what you're doing here so late?", he asked.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot", you said turning to face him.

"I need to order a wedding cake. A really huge one, about four layers, and since your shop mentioned that you need to place an order at least a week before the event, I had to come today. I completely forgot about it and I would be really screwed if you hadn't opened the door", you said.

Murasakibara felt his heart sink a little. You were getting married? But he was just beginning to like you. Also, shouldn't your soon-to-be husband be here with you? Man, what an irresponsible guy. Murasakibara decided not to ask you that question and move on. 

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