The Stress Doctor - Akashi Seijūrō x Reader - Pt. 1

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[A/N: Akashi and you are both in your twenties in this imagine.....imagine how hot he would look, dear god]

You drove your car peacefully, looking around you and trying to absorb the events of today's morning. Even thought you were heading to work, you didn't feel disturbed or tired at all. You could feel in in your veins that today was going to be a good day. You parked in the spot reserved for you and walked inside the building. The receptionist, Kimiko, greeted you with a friendly smile and a polite 'good morning'. You returned a smile and took the lift up to the fourth floor where your office was at.

You worked as a doctor for many problems involving depression and stress. You didn't know why you wanted to become this kind of doctor, but as a child you always found yourself understanding people and solving their problems. So that got your your qualification to become a Stress Doctor. When you walked out of the lift your secretary scrambled out of her seat to greet you.

"[L/N]-sama! Ohayō! Here's your patient file for today. So many of them called to book appointments with you, it's so hard being your secretary", she said teasingly.

You giggled and took the file from here. "Ohayō, Amaya-san. Trust me, it's even harder being the doctor", you sighed.

"Maa, but many people say that you're really good. They really like you!"

"That is when they're my regular patients. Like Mrs Fumiko, she keeps booking appointments even though she clearly doesn't have to"

"That poor old woman just needs someone to talk to"

"I don't mind her visiting but she has to pay for every appointment she makes, and it's expensive!", you said.

"That is true. Say, why not the three of us go out sometime?!"

"That's a lovely idea, Amaya-san but with all these patients I don't think I'll have the time to run my own life anymore"

"It's not that bad! C'mon, maybe over the weekend?"

"I'll look into it. Thanks"

"No problem! Happy working!", she cheered and went back to her desk.

You smiled and walked into your office. Sometimes you were grateful for having a secretary like her, she never failed to make your morning a bright and chirpy one. You plopped down on your rotating chair and opened the file, sighing in the process. You scanned over the patients names, seeing the usual names, a few new ones as well. But one name caught your eye.

Name: Akashi Seijūrō

D.O.B: 20th December 

Reg. no: 12200002

"Seijūrō...", his name left your lips in a whisper. He was one of the biggest, most successful businessmen in Japan, and whenever you saw photos or interviews of him in the news you never saw any signs of stress pull over his features.

'Or maybe he just hides it really well...', you thought.

You closed the file and leaned back in your seat. Akashi was a handsome young man, and you wouldn't say that you weren't attracted to him, because you were. And to think that he would be sitting right in front of you in a few minutes, your heart couldn't stop itself from beating out of your chest. Nonetheless, you still kept your cool. You weren't the type to swoon over a guy. If you liked someone, you would keep that thought to yourself. Plus you were also good at hiding your feelings, except when it comes to Amaya-san, she always finds out. [A/N: Baskin Robbins always finds out//slapped fr making an Ant-Man reference]

You were in deep thought when suddenly the door opened and the all famous Akashi Seijūrō walked in. He didn't look anything like he did in his interviews of pictures. All the signs of stress were showing. He had bags underneath his eyes, his figure was hunched, his face in a serious stare, and his wasn't very well tamed. He was dressed in an expensive looking red button down that was the colour of his hair and black skinny jeans. His gaze met the floor while you stared at him in utter bewilderment. 

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