Hurt Beyond Boundaries - Aomine Daiki x Reader (Part 1)

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[A/N: Once again I am back with another angst. Buuut this time there is a happy ending so you are welcome. I'm writing for Aomine again because I just can't stop and I feel like I write him the best. If you guys want me to write for other characters you can leave a comment below or leave a message at my inbox and I'll be on it. So here you go.

P.S. Make sure to read my note at the end after the imagine for some important stuff!]

f.t. Momoi Satsuki & Kagami Taiga

Basketball was your life. You lived and breathed it, and you shared the same passion for it with a certain someone named Aomine Daiki. The two of you first met in high school, on the first day.

The basketball team were having selections, to select members for the team. Aomine showed up, and so did you. You were the only girl there, and this caused you to earn weird looks from all the boys around you. While you were making your way to refill your water bottle, you bumped into the one and only, making you stumble back a bit. His eyes trailed up and down your body, scanning the value of your assets before scoffing.

"Are you lost or something? You do know what's going on here right?", he asked cockily.

"Yeah, the basketball team selections. And no, I am not lost. I'm signing up." you replied.

He let out a small snicker, "You know you're pretty funny."

"So are you. It's funny to think that idiots like you who think that girls can't play basketball still exist." you retorted.

Aomine rolled his eyes and tch'ed. "Whatever. You won't be talking back so much after your done with your turn."

And with that, he stalked away. You grumbled, feeling irritated by that annoying but at the same time attractive teenage boy. You went on to refill your water bottle anyway, and waited for your name to be called.

When it was your turn to go up and play, you could hear the muffled sounds of laughter and shock as you stepped onto the court. But you ignored it and continued to take your place on the court. But once the ball was in your hands, everyone's jaws went slack. You zoomed around the place shooting the ball into the hoop one after the other. It was like nothing anyone has ever seen before. Aomine almost choked on his drink when he watched you. Once you finished the game, which was obviously in your favor, everyone applauded you.

That was when Aomine knew he found the perfect girl.

~end of flashback~

"Stop whining, it's just a scratch." you huffed as you tried to place a plaster [A/N: or band aid or whatever they call it. Sorry but British English is the way to go for me.] onto his leg. He had been reckless while on a one on one with Kagami once again. 

"[F/N], you don't know how much it hurts. I got cut by a sharp wire for fucks sake."

"Daiki, it was a twig."

"For the last time, [F/N], it was not a twig!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, you big baby. It's all done now." you said as you pulled away.

Aomine grunted as he stood up and pulled you along with him.

"Thanks babe", he said as he kissed you full on the lips.

"Yeah no problem." you said clearing your throat from the awkwardness.

"Are you staying back for practice today?", Aomine asked yawning.

"You mean with the team for the friendly?"

"Yeah, them."

For a few months, you and a few other players formed a temporary team to play a friendly match against other schools. Your team didn't consist of anyone who was on the first string of Touou's basketball team, except for yourself. That was because the first strings had to focus on the Winter Cup. You were the only one who trained for both, and people respected you for that. You were the best player on the team for the friendly. Everyone else were mostly on the third string. Even though your players weren't the best, you still believed in them and wanted to take this win to prove to everyone that you don't need the best players on court to win. 

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