Too Many Fangirls - AoKise Pt. 2

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[A/N: Swear words. Be warned

P.S. I saw this picture, and I fucking.cried. It's so beautiful just, ugghhhh]

f.t. Akashi Seijūrō

"KISE!!!", Aomine's voice boomed through the hallways of Kaijō High.


"Aominecchi, stop yelling! This is a school, have some respect", Kise said as he approached him.

"Respect my ass, you cocksucker! You said I could top last night!"

"Aominecchi, you can never top", Kise said as his eyes turned golden and sharp.

"We had a deal! I hate you, I can't even walk properly"

"Aominecchi, I know you like it rough"

Aomine growled and launched himself at Kise. The both of them were clawing at each other, throwing punches, pulling each others hair, they were merciless.

"Stop it you bakayarōs! What the fuck is going on?"

"Akashicchi, what are you doing at my school?", Kise asked.

"Do not question me, I am absolute! And you, Ahomine, why did you barge in yelling?"

"Fuck off, Akashi. This teme promised me that I could top but made me bottom", Aomine said.

Akashi face palmed and took his scissors out.

"If you guys don't stop messing around I will shove this sharp scissors up your ass, got it?", he said maliciously.

Kise gulped and Aomine just rolled his eyes. Akashi sent both of them a glare before walking away.

"See what you did!", Kise exclaimed.

"Kise you better watch your mouth your stupid teme, or I will never have sex with you again", Aomine growled.

"Ne, Aominecchi, so mean!", Kise whined.

"Don't you start with that!", Aomine said fisting the collar of Kise's shirt. 

"Aominecchi, calm down! Okay, okay, I'm sorry about yesterday alright? It's just, you're very kawaii when you're all flustered and nervous below me. I love it when I get to do what I want with you"

"Kise, damara", Aomine mumbled.

Kise smirked and put and arm around his shoulder. "I love you very much, Aominecchi"

Aomine looked at him and smirked. "Love you too, baby"

"Oh my god, it's Kise Ryōta!", a girl squealed.

Aomine groaned and frowned once again. 

"Oh, konichiwa!", Kise said waving to the fangirls that began to gather around them.

"Aominecchi, you don't mind if I sign their stuff right?", Kise asked.

"Hm, whatever. Just go do your shit, I'll wait here", Aomine said, avoiding eye contact.

"Arigatō gozaimasu, Aominecchi. This won't take long", he said before busying himself in signing stuff for the girls.

Aomine huffed and leaned against the wall crossing his arms. He was so fucking jealous of all the fangirls. Kise was his and they were stupid for not noticing that Kise was clearly gay. 30 minutes passed and Kise was finally finished.

"All done", he said smiling.

"I hate you. I hate you AND your fangirls. You're mine but you still acknowledge them more than you acknowledge me"

"Aww, is Aominecchi jealous?", Kise teased.

Aomine just looked away and sighed. He was lost in his mind when suddenly he felt a warm pair of lips against his. Kise was kissing him. Aomine pulled away and stared at Kise in shock. Not only Aomine, but everyone else too.

"Kise, what- "

"Aominecchi, I love you and only you. I want everyone to know that too"

"Fuck, Kise I...", Aomine had no words. But to convey his feelings he pulled Kise's head back and returned the kiss, this time it was more passionate.

"I love you too, teme", Aomine murmured into the kiss, making Kise smile wider than he ever did before.


Hell yeah! Part 2 done! Hold on, there's still Part 3! 

For those who are reading this, you have to read the Midorima x Takao imagine coming up to understand the 3rd part. 

I enjoyed writing this a lot and I look forward for more. 

Coming up:

Hyuga x Riko

Midorima x Takao

Murasakibara x Reader

Aomine x Reader

Akashi x Reader 

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