The Zoo - Akashi Seijūrō x Reader

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f.t. Aomine Daiki and the members of Rakuzan

Another day of work at the hectic place known as the Asahiyama Zoo. You chose to work  part time here because you had a passion for animals and you loved being around them. But being a zoo keeper wasn't a very easy job. You were always surrounded by animals and various smells (which didn't smell very good) that stuck to you because of how they stink and you were constantly putting yourself in danger because you'd never know when that ostrich you feed could attack you. Nonetheless, you still enjoyed working at the zoo and you wouldn't prefer being anywhere else. 

But today was going to be different. A school was visiting the zoo for the first time ever and you were put in charge as one of the tour guides. The school was none other than Rakuzan High School, and they were visiting of course, for learning purposes. You had heard many great things about that school and the people who went there. You had always wanted to study in Rakuzan but your parents didn't have that kind of money so you ended up going to Tōō High instead. Speaking of Tōō, that was where you found your best friend - Aomine Daiki. He also worked with you at the zoo and he usually wouldn't admit it but he actually loved animals as much as you did.

"Hey Daiki-kun, I'm so excited for the school that's visiting today!", you said and tugged on the sleeve of his zoo keeper uniform.

"Tch, if it weren't for them I could have had extra hours of sleep", he mumbled frowning as always.

"Oh c'mon, have some spirit! Rakuzan is one of the best school's around! They even have the best basketball team", you said trying to get him interested.

"I know, baka. Akashi's the captain. We used to be in the same middle school and basketball club"

'Akashi...Seijūrō? Wow, I can't believe it.', you thought.

"Oh, I didn't know that. What is he like?", you asked.

"Hmm, you'll see", he said and went back to sweeping the floors.

You sighed and looked at the road in front of you, waiting for the school bus to arrive. Minutes later, a bus halted at the entrance and students started coming out, all being organized into groups by teachers and council members. That was when you saw him. Akashi Seijūrō, the point guard and captain of Rakuzan's Basketball Academy. Once all the students were lined up, you and Aomine walked over to them and introduced yourself to the students. 

There were about 20 of them as only a few were selected to go on this trip. The red head stood at the front and focused on every word you were saying, while Aomine just yawned and stood lazily beside you. A few girls were all over him already, but of course, most of them were more into Akashi. 

"So today we'll be doing a small tour of the zoo. You will be divided into groups of five. The teachers will lead you along with another tour guide. The council members please move to the corner, me and Aomine here will be guiding you"

Some of the boys groaned, upset that you wouldn't be the one giving them the tour, and so did some of the girls, because they lost their chance with Aomine. The council members moved to the corner and the teachers began sorting out the groups along with the other tour guides. You dragged Aomine over to the corner with the council members because he was too lazy to walk himself.

"Would it kill for you to work sometimes? Jeez", you complained.

"Hey, if you can handle the work yourself why should I be here?", he asked and then received a slap on the back of his head.

"Okay so why don't we start with you guys introducing yourselves, yeah?", you suggested.

"Oi, [F/N], can we just get on with the tour?"

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