Hyūga Junpei x Aida Riko

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f.t. Kuroko Tetsuya, Kagami Taiga, Koganei Shinji and Izuki Shun

It was a fine day at Seirin Private High School. It was a free period and Hyūga was in the corner of the class, staring at Riko [as usual] with Izuki and Koganei.

"Izuki, should I ask her?", Hyūga said.

"Ask who what?", Izuki asked.

"Your mum"


"Riko, you baka. Who else?"

"Well, I guess you could call this situation a cat-tastrophe"

"Could you stop with your puns for a minute at least? Kuso"

"Ne, you should go and ask her. I know that she likes you"


"Hai!Hyūga you're just too stupid to realize it", Koganei said.

"Fuck off, Koganei"

"Just do it!", Izuki cheered and shoved Hyūga forward.

"Chotomatte! I need to know what to say", Hyūga said.

"Ask Kuroko! He can help, he's pretty good with girls", Koganei suggested.

"Oh yeah! Arigatō Koganei", Hyūga said. 

Hyūga walked out of the class and spotted Kuroko in the hallway.

"Kuroko!", Hyūga called.

 "Hyūga senpai, domo", Kuroko said.

"Ah, Kuroko, I need your help"

"My help? With what Hyūga senpai?"

"Well, I was told that you are good with girls"

"When was I ever good with girls, Hyūga senpai?"

"Kuroko, I think there is a reason that Momoi girl is all over you"

"Hyūga senpai, I am not- "

"I just need you to help me ask Riko out"

Kuroko smiled and nodded. "If it means that you will be happy"

Hyūga grinned and thanked him,

"Okay, so first you start the conversation like how are you and stuff, then talk about your common interests, and then ask her out"

Hyūga groaned, "You make it sound so easy"

"Just try it"

"Okay", Hyūga said and made his way back to class. But before he could reach, Kagami had stopped him.

"Hyūga senpai! I heard you're gonna ask coach out!"

"Damara you bakayarō! Don't shout it to the whole world!"

"Hai, gomen Hyūga senpai. But anyway, do you want some tips?"

"Uh, no, actually Kuroko- "

"Okay! So all you have to do is act all badass and swear a lot, cause girls like bad boys. And then just push her against the wall and kiss her"

"Umm...I-I don' think-"

"Sugoi! See you later with your 'girlfriend'", Kagami said and walked away.

Hyūga sighed and walked into class. He spotted Riko at her desk, scribbling something in her notebook. 'So kawaii', he thought. He walked over to her and smirked. Maybe he could try Kagami's way.

"Yo, Riko, what's up?", he asked coolly.

"Huh? Hyūga-kun, why are you acting different?"

"Different? No fucking way. I've always been this cool. So wanna go out for a drink, bitch?"

"Hyūga-kun what the- "

"You're really hot and all and I'm sure you'll do good in being my slut. So what do you say?"

It was then that Hyūga received a hard slap on his cheek.

"Who do you think you are?! Calling me all those kinds of names are not cool!", she yelled.

"R-Riko- "

"I hate you!", she screamed.

"Noo, Riko listen, that wasn't me, I just...Kagami gave me advice and he told me to swear a lot- that teme- but I hurt your feelings and I'm really sorry Riko. I really really like you and I - just, will you go out with me?"

Riko burst out laughing and when she stopped she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"That's my Hyūga. Yes, I will", she said smiling.

Hyūga grinned and hugged her. He then spotted Kagami from the corner of his eye and walked over to him.

"KAGAMI!", Hyūga yelled and walked straight over to slap his face.

"Ittai!Hyūga senpai nani- "

"You baka, you made her yell at me", Hyūga yelled again and started hitting Kagami.

The both of them were quarrelling while rolling on the floor when Kuroko walked in. He stared at them with his poker face and sighed.

"Those bakas"


That was too cute, dear god. Idea came from divi0lurves0percy!

Coming up:

Midorima x Takao Pt. 1 (Important. Must Read)

Murasakibara x Reader

Aomine x Reader

Akashi x Reader

Kuroko x Reader (Maybe)

Sayonara X

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