Interrogation - Aomine Daiki x Reader AU

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f.t. Imayoshi Shōichi, Sakurai Ryō, Wakamatsu Kōsuke and Momoi Satsuki

You woke up, but you couldn't open your eyes. You tried to, but you felt like it was sealed shut. You tried to stand, but your movement was restricted. You tried to open your mouth to scream for help but you couldn't hear yourself. You tried to do something, but nothing worked. Suddenly you heard small voices chattering, and you strained your hearing to try and listen to what they were saying but you couldn't get one bit. It was quiet for a while, when all of a sudden something was pulled off your head, and your eyes fluttered open slowly, adjusting to the light. Once you took in your surroundings you almost had a panic attack. You were in a interrogation room, and you were tied up to a chair with a very sticky piece of duct tape plastered tightly above your mouth. You tried to say something but only muffled noises escaped your lips. You jerked, trying to break free but the cold metal chains were too strong. You looked up and saw a male and a female figure in front of you. 

The male had jet black hair and bangs that went below his forehead. He was wearing glasses and he had a really sneaky and creepy look on his face. Well how reassuring. The female however had long bright pink hair and she was holding a clipboard. She smiled softly at me, making you relax a bit. But once your gaze went back to the creepy guy you died once again.

"[L/N] [F/N], good morning. How are you feeling? Good? Excellent! Now, I'm officer Imayoshi and this is Momoi, our head female police officer. We're going to be interrogating you today. I suggest you do not try any funny things to try and get yourself out of here because then you'd be in even more trouble and we don't want that now do we young lady?"

You said something but none of them could hear it so Momoi stepped forward and carefully peeled the duct tape off your mouth. You coughed dryly, in need of some sort of moisture. Momoi hurriedly handed you a water bottle but realized that you were tied up so she poured some into your mouth. You looked at her thankfully while she smiled and set the bottle aside.

"I-I'm in trouble?", you asked scared.

"You're not exactly in trouble, we just need to inquire you about an incident", Imayoshi said.

"Incident? What incident? I wasn't involved in any incident, I swear-"

"Miss [L/N], never ask questions and only answer my questions to you, got it?", he interrupted.

You gulped and nodded. He flashed you his overly creepy smile and took the clipboard from Momoi.

"What were you doing at the bank yesterday?", he asked.


"[L/N]-san, I said no questioning"

"Oh, right, s-sorry. I don't remember going to the bank. I don't remember anything at all"

"I see...maybe this picture will refresh your memory. Imayoshi handed you a picture with a very familiar looking woman. And then you remembered everything.

You walked into the bank with your beloved mother to withdraw some money to pay for your school fees. You and your mother were talking about something when suddenly you heard gunshots from around you. Men in covered in black clothes raided the area and began shooting everyone that they could. You grasped your mothers hand tightly and ran towards the exit. You breathed out in relief when you had escaped and you looked towards your mother only to see that she was....

"Dead. Oh my god. My mother is dead. I remember. I remember now, oh my god, mom", you began crying.

Momoi looked at you pitifully and handed you some tissues. But once again, you were tied up, so she wiped your tears for you. You thanked her and she gave you a kind smile.

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