Popsicle - Aomine Daiki x Sakurai Ryō

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[A/N: Double update!]

f.t. Wakamatsu Kōsuke

It was a breezy night at the Tōō Basketball Court, and practice had just ended for the team. Sakurai was really tired and sweating buckets. He thought of dropping by the convenience store to get a delicious, refreshing and a cool popsicle. He packed his stuff and said his goodbyes to Momoi and Imayoshi before leaving. When he walked outside, he saw the one and only Ahomine standing in the far corner with Wakamatsu, probably arguing again.

Sakurai sighed, he was in fact quite jealous of Wakamatsu, as he seemed to be getting more attention from Aomine, even if they were arguing. But looking back at the events of today, Sakurai remembered when Aomine stole most of his bento, when Aomine had offered to show him his gravure magazines, when Aomine had ordered him around, and when Aomine was just being Aomine.

Sakurai didn't know what to feel. He truly loved Aomine with all his heart, even though he was a teme sometimes. But he had no idea what Aomine felt for him. It was complicated. One minute he would sling his arm around Sakurai's shoulder, and the next he would start bragging about how he beat Wakamatsu at an arm wrestling challenge. 

All Sakurai could think of was that Wakamatsu had held Aomine's hand, and he didn't. Sakurai was thinking so much, he hadn't realized that he had reached the convenience store. He bought a box of popsicles and sat on a curb outside and began eating one. Since the weather was quite warm, the popsicle melted quickly and Sakurai struggled to lick off the dripping liquid.

A piece of the popsicle fell off and landed right on his neck, making him jerk slightly due to the coldness. Sakurai took a handkerchief and tried to wipe it off but before he could, he felt another wet thing on his neck, but this one was warmer.

He almost screamed when he turned slightly to see that Aomine was licking the sweet popsicle piece off his neck.

"A-Aomine-san! W-what are you-"

"Shut up, Ryō. I'm not finished", Aomine said smirking slightly.

Sakurai shivered when Aomine's tongue went lower to lick off the dried up, sticky substance on his collarbone. Sakurai was enjoying it but when he realized that Aomine was a cocky bastard who loved playing with peoples emotions, he pushed Aomine away and stood up.

"Oi, I wasn't done, baka", Aomine said frowning.

"I don't care! You just want to tease me and I'm sick of it! You think I don't have feelings? You think you can just play with my emotions and get away with it?! Well fuck you, 'Aomine'. I hate you, don't ever talk to me again!", Sakurai yelled.

Aomine stood there utterly shocked at Sakurai's outburst. He did not expect Sakurai to yell at all, and he had no idea that Sakurai had feelings for him. He smirked at Sakurai's confession. Sakurai's eyes widened when he realized what he had said, moreover, he had just yelled. Sakurai yelled.

"A-ano, s-sumimasen! Sumimasen sumimasen gomenasai, gomen gomen gomen", Sakurai ranted.

"Oi, Ryō, you can just come out and tell me you like me you know", Aomine said and stepped closer to Sakurai.

"N-no, I-I don't like you at all, stop coming closer!"

"Say it", Aomine demanded. "Say it, I know you feel it"

Sakurai looked down and mumbled and 'I love you'. Aomine's smirk widened and he pulled Sakurai close.

"And you better remember that", he said and kissed Ryō passionately.


Idea by Annabeth-likes-anime.

You guys have no idea how much I ship this. AoSaku is just beautiful. Beautiful.

Also, I'm in need of requests! For those of u who have asked.....ask again! Please don't feel shy. Gomen but I don't do lemons but limes shud be okay. Anyway, whatever it is, go ahead and drop a message into my inbox. I luv u guys!

Coming up:

NijiHai Pt. 2

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