Deadpool - Teiko!Haizaki Shōgo x Reader

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f.t. Nijimura Shūzō

It was a lazy afternoon at home with your boyfriend Haizaki. You guys had just finished your lunch and decided on watching a movie to kill time. Your boyfriend didn't really care, as long as he got to touch you and be by your side, he was okay with it. You were looking through the variety of CD's that you had in your drawer. You had picked a few and had a hard time deciding on which one you wanted to watch.

"Oi, Shōgo-kun, pick one", you said holding up a pile of CD's.

He smirked, "Hm, I pick you"

You face palmed and slapped the back of his head. "Baka Haizaki"

"Alright, alright. Um...oh damn this is a good one. Let's watch this!", he said handing you a CD.

'Deadpool' was what he had picked. You frowned, "Isn't this R-18 movie?"

"Yeah, it has some badass action scenes, lots of sex and drugs and most of all, hot chicks", he said.

"Shōgo, I do not want you getting a hard on and then masturbating during the movie. Especially since it's on my couch so no, we aren't watching this"

"Tch, you're so boring, god dammit. I guess I'll just go to [Random Slut's Name]'s house and watch it with her instead", he said getting up.

"You wouldn't dare", you growled.

"Oh I will, she gives me a better time than you do anyway"

Those words pierced your heart and you gritted your teeth, trying not to cry.

"Aw, don't be like that, babe. I was only joking you know", Haizaki said and pulled you down on the couch with him.

"Don't touch me, asshole", you said shoving him.

"[F/N], c'mon. Let's just watch the movie okay?", he asked, still keeping you in his arms.

"If I do, will you let me go?"

"Hm, we'll see about that"

"Ugh, I should have just spent the day with Nijimura instead. He would have given me a better time", you sighed.

Haizaki was angered to the max.

"What the fuck did you just say?", he asked scarily.

"Jealous, aren't ya? You see, that's why I hate it when you talk about other girls"

Haizaki scoffed, "It's not as bad as this"

"Oh really? Then how would you like it if I told you that Nijimura has a body to die for?"

Haizaki clenched his jaw. "You don't mean that"

"Oh dear Shōgo, sadly for you, I actually do. Plus, at least Nijimura doesn't talk about shagging other girls like you do"

Okay, I don't think I've ever seen Haizaki so pissed before.  He angrily put the CD into the CD player and pressed the play button so hard that it almost broke. His arms tightened themselves around you. As the movie started playing, very *ahem*, indescribable scenes were being shown. And Haizaki smirked as he started copying it. After all, that is his speciality. Making the move as his own, he slowly began to seduce you, whispering dirty things into your ear, making you squirm uncomfortably. 

"Hm, tell me, [F/N], will Nijimura be able to do these kinds of things as good as I do them? Maybe he can copy it, but all my moves are mine and mine only. Like you...", he said moving his lips to your ear.


Haizaki moved to kiss you when suddenly the doorbell rang, interrupting your heated moment. Haizaki groaned and stomped to the door, yanking it open harshly.

"What?", he spat.

"Haizaki? What are you doing here?", Nijimura asked.

"I'm spending some valuable time with my girlfriend so get lost, piece of shit"

Nijimura glared at him before throwing a punch to his gut. Haizaki fell on his knees and you rushed outside. You gasped when you saw Haizaki on the floor.

"N-Nijimura senpai, what happened?", you asked.

"Don't worry about it, [F/N]. He just got a really good beating. Say, he didn't threaten to leave with another girl did he?", Nijimura asked.

"Um, he actually did but-"

"Stupid teme, Haizaki get up. I'm going to have to teach you a lesson"

Haizaki growled and stood up strong. 

"Stay away from my girlfriend. You have no right to care about her. And she's mine, got it?"

Nijimura was about to protest but Haizaki had already slammed the door shut.

"If I ever hear you say his name again, you are done for", Haizaki said before smashing his lips onto yours.


I actually wrote this after watching Deadpool, I'm not kidding XD

Coming up:

MuraHimu - Murasakibara x Himuro

NijiHai - Nijimura x Haizaki

Izuki x Reader (Gonna start with imagines from Seirin!)

Stone Cold - Aomine Daiki Pt. 2


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