Shadows hate Spiders - Kuroko x Reader

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f.t. Hanamiya Makoto and Kagami Taiga

You and Kuroko have been best friends ever since you joined Seirin High School. Somehow, you managed to notice Kuroko, while everyone else was affected by his lack of presence. But Kuroko aside, you were also best friends with Hanamiya Makoto. You guys had met when you were little kids- through dark chocolate.


You were at the playground alone. The weather wasn't actually that good. It started raining and you were drenched in rain water. Your parents were a little late to fetch you, so you started to worry. You found shelter under a large tree and sat down. 

You pulled out a bar of dark chocolate out of your pocket and began eating it. For a kid you weren't supposed to like dark chocolate because it was bitter, and kids preferred sweet things. Nevertheless, you still did. 

Just when you thought you were alone, a boy approached you. You guys had some sort of staring competition until you reached into your pocket and pulled out another bar of dark chocolate. The boy smiled and took it from you. He was the first kid that you saw who liked dark chocolate like you do.

~End of Flashback~

School had ended and you walked outside with Kuroko. He had to leave halfway because of basketball practice, so you bid him farewell and walked to the familiar car that was parked alongside the road.

"Makoto-kun!", you exclaimed and ran over to him.

"Ah, there you are. Just get in the car already, what took you so long?"

"Ne, don't be so mean, Makoto-kun. I was just hanging out with Kuroko-kun"

"Oh, that baka. You guys should just fuck already"

You slapped his arm while he smirked. The both of you hopped into the car and drove off to Maji Burger for a snack. But what you did not know was that Kuroko was watching you and Hanamiya with jealousy flaring in his eyes. He walked back inside but bumped into a huge figure.

"Oi Kuroko, what's wrong?", Kagami asked.

"It's nothing, Kagami-kun"

"It's definitely not nothing, piece of shit. Tell me"

Kuroko sighed and told Kagami how he saw you with Hanamiya and he felt really hurt because he had this major crush on you. Kagami petted his head and invited all the Seirin basketball club members to go to Maji Burger to cheer Kuroko up. Kuroko smiled and thanked them, and soon they set off to Maji Burger. 

When they entered, they were about to sit in their usual place, but Kuroko stopped and stared at the sight in front of him. You. And Hanamiya. At the table. To-fucking-gether. You turned your head to the side and saw Kuroko standing there, staring at the both of you. But this time, he looked quite scary.

"[L/N]-san...", Kuroko said.

"K-Kuroko-kun! Heyy", you said.

Hanamiya smirked and purposely took your drink and sipped it, like a friend would of course, but Kuroko didn't know that. Kuroko frowned and glared at Hanamiya.

"Well, I have to go now. [F/N], you can find your way home", he said and got up.

You gaped at him. "But-"

You were cut off by a wink from Hanamiya, saying 'go get him!', as in 'go make out with Kuroko'. You blushed and Kuroko got even angrier as he thought that Hanamiya was flirting with you. He immediately sat down next to you and pushed the drink which had Hanamiya's lips on it away. You looked at Kuroko confused but he looked at you in anger.

"[L/N]-san, you are not allowed to hang out with Hanamiya anymore"

"Hah? N-Nani sore-"

"[L/N]-san, please"

"O-okay, if you say so. But, may I ask why?"

Kuroko sighed, "[L/N]-san, isn't it obvious that I like you?"

You stared at him in shock. "K-Kuroko-kun, I had no idea"

Kuroko smiled and placed his hand on top of yours. "Do you feel the same [L/N]-san?"

"I-yes, yes I do. Kuroko-kun, if you had ever felt jealous of Makoto-kun shouldn't"

Kuroko blushed. "I know, [L/N]-san. But I can't help it. I hate him anyway. He doesn't respect basketball, and he cheats to win. He hurts people physically and emotionally. I don't even know how you get along with him", Kuroko's blush turned into an angry and scary facial expression. You gulped.

"Ne, Kuroko-kun, I know he can be an ass hole sometimes but he's actually a really nice person. He only shows that side to people that are close to him. So I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't behave well towards you"

Kuroko nodded, "Wakarimasta, [L/N]-san. He behaves a little like Aomine-kun. But even worse"

You giggled, "Forget that. I'm glad you confessed to me, Kuroko-kun"

[L/N]-san, if you don't mind...may I kiss you?", he asked with his poker face.

You blushed and nodded shyly. Kuroko smiled and kissed your lips, making your emotions go wild.

"[L/N]-san, suki desu"

"K-Kuroko-kun", you gasped.

"Kuroko-kun...s-suki desu"


There's a part 2 for this so be prepared! Still haven't written it yet lln. The next imagine will be a surprise, it's not one from the coming up list so :3

Today was teachers day so, Happy Teachers Day to all the fabulous teachers out there. I hope you wished yours. 

Coming up:

Special Imagine ✨💖

Aomine x Kuroko

Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao Pt. 2 (MUST FREAKING READ)

Kuroko x Momoi (they do not get together....I did not spoil that for you)

Aomine x Kise - AoKise! Pt. 3 (In continuation of Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao)

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