Graduation - Oreshi!Akashi x Reader

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Requested by ChocoFluffBalls. Thanks for requesting! I hope you like this one : )

f.t. Members of Rakuzan, GOM, Momoi Satsuki, Kagami Taiga, Himuro Tatsuya and Takao Kazunari.

The day had finally come. The day where all your hard work had payed off at University. For 5 long years, you had worked hard through thick and thin, used up all your blood sweat and tears, and never gave up on any assignment that was handed to you. 

You were graduating.

During your years of studying, you had learned a lot. You experienced many new things, and met so many different kinds of people. And one of those kinds of people was your beloved boyfriend - Akashi Seijūrō. You had been dating him ever since middle school and you had stuck with him through everything, like when he got his split personalities, and the emperor eye. You had to admit you were scared of him during that point of time, but soon you learned to love him. You had thought that this was how Akashi was going to be forever, but the unexpected happened and he changed back to his normal self. You were more than ever happy and Akashi still hasn't stopped apologising to you about it until this day.

While studying at University, Akashi had helped you with many things. When you didn't understand anything, you would always go to him. Whenever you had a presentation, he would always be the first one to watch and comment on how to improve it. And whenever you were at the top of your grade, Akashi never hesitated to buy you tons of gifts to celebrate. You didn't love Akashi for his wealth or for his looks. You loved him for him. And for a person who had stayed with him through his transformation and back, I think you deserve a pat on the back for that.

You stood at the bottom of the stage, waiting in line for your name to be called out. All your friends and family were here, you could see them occupying the whole front row. Along with them sat your handsome boyfriend, in a black tux, sitting courteously as always. He shot you a smile and you waved shyly to him. Soon in was your turn to go up the stage and everyone clapped and cheered for you as you did.

"[L/N] [F/N] spent five years at [University Name], researching on human influences on the environment, conservation of our planet earth, did a study on animal behaviour, and has also published a book called 'The Laws of Nature'. She has completed her PhD, and is soon to become a Doctor of Philosophy. In all these years that the University has operated, there was not one as hardworking and as determined as [L/N]. I hope everyone out there can see of her as a role model for themselves, so that they too will have a goal in life that they will strive to achieve. So [L/N] [F/N] congratulations", the announcer spoke.

Everyone broke into an applause and you could see Kise and Aomine hooting. You couldn't stop the grin breaking onto your face as you elegantly walked forward in your academic robe. You received your scroll and thanked the administrator before stepping onto the podium and placing the mike in front of your lips. You took a deep breath and started.

"Good afternoon to everyone present here. This is indeed a big day for me. I never thought my years of studying would end, and I hated that thought", you paused as everyone laughed a little. "But it did, and I can't help but feel a little sad because there is never going to be a time where I groan at the thought of homework again. There is never going to be a time where I get to see my teachers, lecturers or professors crack funny jokes in class. And there's not another time where I'm going to have that dreadful feeling inside of me when I realised that I haven't finished yesterdays assignment", you said.

"But despite all of that, I look forward to the future that is ahead of me. I want to be able to experience work life. People say that working is even more difficult that studying, but I think that it is the other way round. Work only gives you one thing to focus on, but studying, you have to learn a subject even though you are very sure that it will never be of any use in the future. I want a work life which is open to your choice. Before I enrolled here my mother was pushing me to take up medicine. I don't like medicine, not one bit. It tastes horrible, doesn't it?"

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