Suki desu - Aomine Daiki x Reader

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[A/N: This is very short, gomenasaii *bows*]

Aomine snuggled you closer as he gazed disinterestedly at the movie. He yawned. How boring. It was a Friday night and you both should have been doing something more exciting than watching a movie. His fingers brushed against your waist and you jerked away from him.

"Don't touch me there, I'm ticklish", you said irritatedly.

"Ticklish, huh?", Aomine drawled smirking. "Shall we put that to test?"

Uh-oh. You gulped. "D-Daiki, you said nervously, "There is no need to test anything out, right?"

"Really, [F/N]?", Aomine said, "I want to test it though. You could be lying"

Saying that he launched himself at you. His hands find your sides with his fingers wiggling uncontrollably. Your startled shouts and laughs fill the air as you both wrestle, each trying to gain leverage. 

Finally you overcome him. You have a look of triumph on your face as you straddle him until you realize the position the both of you are in, causing your cheeks to promptly turn scarlet.

He pulls you towards his body, sharply muffling your gasp with his lips. He pries your mouth open and kisses you until you both run out of breath and break away panting. You lay your forehead against his, noses bumping gently. He smiled at you softly.

"[F/N] suki desu"

~Faggot Queen

Coming up:

Akashi x Reader

Kuroko x Reader

Aomine x Kuroko

Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao Pt. 2

Kuroko x Momoi (Do not worry, they do not get together in the end if that's what you're thinking)

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