Babysitting - Akashi Seijūrō x Reader

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"Moshi moshi?", you speak into the phone.

"[F/N], how are you?", your boyfriend Akashi asked.

"Sei-chan! I'm good, you?"

"I'm fine, [F/N], come over now. It's an order"

"Hah? Ano- Sei-chan, I can't. I'm babysitting"

"[F/N], are you defying my orders?"

"Sei-chan, I would love to come, but I can't. If I do then I'll lose my job and the kid will be sad, his parents will be sad, I will be sad, you will be sad, everyone will be sad", you ranted.

"Kami, alright. Just bring the kid along then"

"Sei-chan, I can't do anything but keep him safe here. His parents would flip when they find out"

It was quiet for a while. You were beginning to get worried.

"S-Sei-chan? Are you still there?"

"Hm, I am"

"What are you doing?"


"Thinking about what?"

"Coming over"


Beeeep. The line went dead. Akashi scared you sometimes. You turned back to the kid and he was jumping on the couch.

"Hey, Momo, don't jump on the couch. The springs underneath will get ruined"

"Hai, [F/N]~onee-san!", he said and stopped obediently.

Suddenly the door opened and Akashi walked in, sweating buckets.

"Sei-chan, did you run all the way here?", you asked as you wiped his face with a towel.

"No.....*sweat* *sweat* "

You sighed and smiled. "I'll go get you some water. Stay here and take care of little Momo, please", you said.

Akashi looked at a grinning Momo and frowned. You were about to go to the kitchen when Akashi grabbed your hand and pulled you in for a 'hello kiss' catching you off guard. You pulled away and hit his arm softly.

"Sei-chan", you scolded quietly.

Akashi smirked and let you go. [A/N: U lucky ass u got Akashi to smirk at u. He's so hot oh god I love him] You shook your head at him and walked into the kitchen. Akashi then stared at Momo, who was staring at Akashi. Suddenly Momo shot forward and jumped on Akashi, pulling his hair and being a little scoundrel.

"O-Oi! Get off, you are not worthy of laying your fingers on me, peasant", Akashi said.

Momo just laughed and continued annoying Akashi. "Peasant!", Akashi yelled. You walked back into the living room and Momo sat quietly on the chair.

"What's with all the yelling?", you asked and handed Akashi his water.

"Nothing", Akashi mumbled and took a sip.

"Onee-san! I met a boy in school the other day!", he exclaimed.

"Did you now? What was his name?", you asked.

"Ah, I forgot. But I knew that he was such a peasant!"

You gasped and looked at Akashi shocked.

"Wha-where did you learn that word, Momo?", you asked.

Akashi's eyes widened and he choked on his water.

"Oh, Akashi~onii-san thought me!", he said.

"Sei-chan!", you yelled at him.

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