Staring Competition - MuraHimu

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Staring Competition - Murasakibara Atsushi x Himuro Tatsuya

~At Yosen High School~

It was a normal day at school for Murasakibara and Himuro. They walked alongside each other to class while Murasakibara was munching on his maiubo. Himuro was talking to him about some basketball match he saw on TV the other day, but Murasakibara wasn't paying attention, well duh, he's Murasakibara.

"Oi Atsushi, are you listening?", Himuro asked.

"Hmm? No, gomen, Muro-chin. I'm just too tired right now"

Himuro sighed and smiled. "You're never gonna get used to waking up early are you?"

"Not really. I have Muro-chin to entertain me so I have nothing to worry about", he said casually.

Himuro smiled and blushed, "We're getting late for class. Hurry up and finish your food"

"Yeah, yeah. Ne, Muro-chin, a girl approached me the other day", Murasakibara said.

"Really? What did she say?", Himuro asked.

"She asked me if I showed any other expression than the one that's on my face right now"

Himuro looked at him confused, "Why did she ask you that?"

"Dunno. But she said that I'd always win in a staring competition"

"What a weird thing to say. So what did you tell her?"

"I thanked her"

", do you want to have a staring competition?"

"With Muro-chin?", Murasakibara asked surprised.

"Yeah, why not. I'm pretty good at it myself", Himuro said.

"If Muro-chin says so. We can have it now if you want"

"Now? But, we have class"

"Who cares. I want to win against Muro-chin"

"Okay then. If I win, you need to give me all your snacks"

Murasakibara suddenly obtained a dark aura surrounding him. "You touch my snacks and I'll crush you"

Himuro chuckled, "Then don't lose"

Murasakibara nodded, "Fine then. Let's start now"

"Now? Why don't we go to class first?"

"Because I'm more focused now"

"Atsushi I don't think-"

"Now, Muro-chin"

"Fine, fine. 1, 2, 3, go"

And the staring began. They looked at each other, not breaking their gaze. Murasakibara held the usual bored expression on his face while Himuro stared up at him with all seriousness and concentration. Everyone who walked past looked at the two but they payed no attention to them. The bell rang and soon everyone left but Himuro and the purple haired titan stayed in the exact same position. Himuro could feel Murasakibara leaning closer with every minute that passed by.

Himuro blushed and moved back slightly but Murasakibara quickly moved his head forward and captured Himuro's lips with his. Himuro's eyes grew wide as Murasakibara kissed him. He slowly began to respond to the kiss as he wrapped his arms around the titan's neck. Murasakibara pulled away and searched Himuro's eyes for any reaction but Himuro's flushed face made a smile wretch onto Murasakibara's lips. Himuro looked away to hide his embarrassed expression.

"Muro-chin, I win. You looked away"

"T-that wasn't fair! No one said that you could do that!"

"No one said that I couldn't"

"Atsushi", Himuro groaned.

"Don't feel bad Muro-chin. And as for my prize, you have to buy me more snacks"

"You can never have enough can you?"

"Never of you Muro-chin"

"Atsushi shut up"


Kyaaaahhh this is so cute I ship them so much dear god.

Coming up:

Hanamiya x Reader

Akashi x Reader

NijiHai - Nijimura x Haizaki

Izuki x Reader (Gonna start with imagines from Seirin!)


Sayonara X

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