A Sweet Sensation - Akashi Seijūrō x Reader

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f.t. Members of Rakuzan's Basketball Team

It was a fine day in Rakuzan High. The famous Akashi Seijūrō was walking to class, with a huge bag of candy in his soft, fair, yet skilfull hands. Who was the candy for you ask? Well, it was for [Y/N], a very simple, intelligent and a perfect girl in Akashi's eyes. He adored her with all his heart, but what he did not know [A/N:so much for being absolute, Sei], was that she felt the same about him. 

He walked into class and saw her sitting at her usual seat, right next to his. He smiled softly and walked over to her.

"Sei-chan, you're late again", she stated. [A/N:once again, so much for being perfect, Sei XD]

"Well hello to you too. I'm fine, thanks for asking. And you totally noticed my new haircut, how thoughtful of you", he said sarcastically.

She giggled and ruffled his hair. Only [Y/N] was capable of touching his hair. "Gomen ne, Sei-chan. Ogenkidesuka?" [A/N: It means how are you]

"Genki desu, omae wa?" [Translation: I'm fine, what about you?]

"Amazing, I got a 100% on the Physics test!", she exclaimed.

"Omedeto gozaimatsu, [F/N]. [Translation: Congratulations] To celebrate that, I brought you this huge bag of candy", Akashi said.

[Y/N] squealed and pulled out a handful of candy from the bag, admiring it. Akashi smirked and watched her adoringly. There were all sorts of candy in that bag. There were dark red ones, blue ones, yellow ones, green ones, and many more. [Y/N] was scoffing on the yellow candy and Akashi frowned.

"Why don't you try this one?", Akashi asked, giving her a bright red candy, almost the same colour as his hair.

"Eh, no thanks. The yellow ones are awesome"

Akashi's eyes shone dangerously as he glared at the yellow candy. It only reminded him of Kise and Akashi didn't want you to like Kise. In one swift motion, he collected the candy, leaving the bright red ones behind, and threw them out of the window.

"Sei-chan! Nani- why the fuck did you do that?!", [Y/N] exclaimed.

"[F/N], you will eat the bright red candy that is available", he ordered.

"Butt Sei-chan- "

"Are you disobeying me, [Y/N]?", he asked scarily.

"N-no, I-okay", [Y/N]-stuttered and ate the bright red candy.

"Hey, this actually isn't that bad", [Y/N] said.

Akashi smirked, "Told you so"

"But why the bright red- oh my god, Sei-chan, are you jealous of the other colours?"

"N-no, I- why would I-"

"Aww, you absolute freak, you're very kawaii sometimes"

Akashi sighed and smiled. "If it makes my empress happy"

"Say what?"

"[F/N], will you be the ab to my solute?", he asked.

[Y/N] laughed and ruffled his hair again.

"Of course, Sei-chan"

"Good, now eat more candy"

"But Sei- "

"Are you disobeying me again?!"


Hey, that was a good one! The idea was from divi0lurves0percy and I wrote everything down. So hope you enjoyed jealous Akashi!

Coming up:

Kuroko x Reader

Aomine x Kuroko

Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao Pt. 2 (MUST FREAKING READ)

Kuroko x Momoi (they do not get together....I did not spoil that for you)

Aomine x Kise - AoKise! Pt. 3 (In continuation of Tsunderima - Midorima x Takao)

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