The Painful Truth - Hanamiya Makoto x Reader Pt. 2

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f.t. Kiyoshi Teppei, Hara Kazuya, Seto Kentarō, Furuhashi Kōjirō, Yamazaki Hiroshi and Members of Seirin

Hanamiya sighed for the umpteenth time as he walked through the school gates. Even though he was by no doubt intelligent, school was still a pain in the ass. He decided to skip first period as he walked to basketball practice, hoping to find the rest of his teammates there. For some odd reason, instead of skipping class and lounging at the court like his teammates usually do, they were nowhere to be found. Maybe Furuhashi had forced them. Hanamiya sighed and picked up a basketball, deciding on practising some shots, maybe that would help keep his mind off you. Ever since Hanamiya left your apartment that day, he has been nothing but a huge wreck. He didn't get enough sleep, he always stared blankly into space, during basketball practice, he'd let his teammates slack off, he wouldn't make them run extra laps, he couldn't concentrate on anything, and everything seemed to remind him of you. He really wished he hadn't thrown you away like that, but what choice did he have? You were in love with someone else, all he wanted was for you to be happy.

He hated that you lied to him. He hated that you kept it behind his back for so long, and he was the one that had to get it out of you. He hated how even though he confronted you about it, you still never confessed. Damn that stupid Kiyoshi. Hanamiya had never been so mad at someone before. He swore if he ever saw Kiyoshi again he would beat the living daylights out of him. Hanamiya dribbled the ball around the court, practising a few dirty tricks, before shooting the ball, making in swish in the net. He huffed and wiped the sweat off his forehead, he already felt tired. He had no energy since he hadn't consumed much food to gain energy. He sat on the polished wooden floor cross-legged and went deep in thought. 

Suddenly the door opened and a bunch of guys voices could be heard. Hanamiya snapped his head in the direction of the guys and sent them a glare.

"Where were you guys?", he asked.

"Mako-chan! You wouldn't believe what we saw!", Hara said.

"Dude, your girlfriend's hanging out with another guy, and they seemed pretty close", Seto said.

Hanamiya gritted his teeth and looked away. "I know", he mumbled.

All the guys were shocked and stared at Hanamiya as if he was crazy.

" 'I know'? What do you mean, 'I know'? Shouldn't you be doing something about it?!", Yamazaki asked.

Hanamiya shook his head in disapproval as Furuhashi stepped forward.

"Did something happen between the two of you?", he asked.

Hanamiya let out a breathy laugh and stood up. He picked his bag up from the floor and faced them with a cocky smirk.

"Yeah, something happened. And we're not together anymore. You think I'm sad? Bakas, you guys are pathetic", he spat.

Furuhashi frowned as Hara spoke up.

"What happened?", Hara asked curiously.

"That's none of your business, Kazuya. But whatever it is, stop feeling bad for me. I hate it, I hate your sympathy. To think that I'd be affected by a stupid female, do you guys even know me?", he scoffed.

Hanamiya picked the basketball up and spun in on his finger.

"She can leave me for that prick, I really don't give a shit. So forget about it, okay? Now get to practice", he said and walked past them.

"Practice?! Now?! It isn't even time for practice yet!", Seto exclaimed.

"I know. Do you have a problem with that, Kentarō?", Hanamiya asked scarily.

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