I Lost Him - Himuro Tatsuya x Reader

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For some people, love was a normal thing. It just came and went and people learned to move on whenever love left them. However, that only applied to those who were strong, emotionally fit, and unfortunately for you, you were not one of those people. Love hit you hard like a rock. And just when you thought you had it, it slipped away from your grasp, leaving you in eternal sadness and despair. You didn't regret loving, because when you did, you had great memories that were unforgettable to no man, but sometimes you wished the memories would stop haunting you. The memories were the reason that you could not forget. The memories were the reason that you could not move on. The memories, were the reason you cried every night. And the memories were what reminded you, of him.

You remembered the day you first saw him. He was practicing hard, putting his every last bit of strength into his play, to prove to himself that he  could be better. As he shot the ball and it landed in the hoop perfectly, he sighed and wiped the sweat off his forehead with the collar of his jersey. His black hair flopped over his forehead, and his muscles glistened with sweat. He stood strong and tall,  while always looking up. He noticed your presence, and turned his head to the side to catch a glimpse of you, and before you knew it, he had caught you red-handed. You couldn't help but be intrigued by this fascinating male. In others eyes he was a normal teenage boy who was quite attractive, but to you, he was a totally different person. You saw inside of him.  You saw how he was hurting. You saw his problems, his flaws, and you fell in love even more. Determined to help him, you stepped forward, and the flash of relief on his  face said it all. He knew you had come to save him from his threats.

It was no longer after that, that he confessed his feelings towards you, surprised to know that you felt the same. He treated you as his queen, always there by your side not to serve you but to show you your place, that was way above him. People looked at the two of you and always thought that the two of you were a perfect match. Just the surrounding of you and him when the two of you are together was so pleasant and it just felt so....right. Everyone knew you were his, everyone knew he was yours. He loved you with all his heart, deep down to the very core. All the lovely words he said to you could not compare to others and all the love and respect he showered you with made you want to hate yourself for not being as kind hearted as he was. He would say sweet things everyday, to remind you that you were beautiful and that he wouldn't be able to go a single day without you. Everything seemed so cliche but you know that no matter how normal it is it was always special and extremely meaningful to you.

The two of you stuck together like magnets of  the opposite polarity. Through every obstacle, the two of you made it. You fought and fought and fought until you reached the end. The end to which it was finally time. The time had come to where he had decided that you were definitely  the one for him. He held your hand as he kneeled in front of his elders, alongside you, asking them for their blessing. You smiled, happy that this day had finally arrived. But the whole world crashed down on you, with one  disapproving nod. He was like a solider at war, fighting for his rights, fighting for what was his, fighting, for you. Never had he thought that this would happen. He expected them to smile, and shower him and you with all their love and support you through the whole way. The war had ended when his elders  had enough. They found someone. Someone else. Someone else, for him. That was when you were forgotten. You walked aimlessly back home, tears staining your cheeks. Were all of these years of battle for nothing? Did you sacrifice so much, just to feel sorrowful in  the future? Did you give your heart, to someone who wasn't worth it?

Remember how the two of you stuck together like magnets with the opposite polarity? Even though the two of you had that, the two of you were still breakable. Magnets are not inseparable after all. You stood in a black dress among the huge crowd staring up at the man that you still loved. He looked amazing, shining with excitement, but it somewhat looked....fake. It wasn't real. It wasn't real happiness. He didn't feel what he wanted to feel. He didn't  get who he wanted to get. He didn't love, how he wanted to love. Once the rings were exchanged, everyone cheered and you smiled as the tears flowed down your cheeks. You sniffled and wiped the salty liquid off your cheeks, but just as you were about to turn away, he caught your eye. There were signs of sadness, regret, oversight, but most of all, love. Something he felt with you, but not with her.

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