Stone Cold - Aomine Daiki

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Stone cold, stone cold
You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor
Stone cold, stone cold
Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore...

Letting him go was one of the hardest decisions you had ever made. You still haven't stopped crying, and you don't intend to. But the day came when you ran out of tears, more like you ran out of emotions to feel. So all you did was sit in your room and stare at the blank wall that was once filled with pictures that held your memories with him. After he left, you took it all down and you can't even remember where you put them. When you walked to school everyday, you looked fine, but on the inside, you were wrecked. He thought the same, and he let it be.

God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain

As predicted, he found someone else. She was everything that you were not. At least that's what you thought. To be honest he would always choose you over her, but maybe that wasn't true after all. You weren't jealous, you weren't sad, in fact, you were happy. [A/N: No that's bullshit, you were fucking sad] You just wanted to see his precious smile on his handsome face. That smile was your whole world. He had stopped smiling when he didn't find a worthy opponent, but you came along, and his past was forgotten. He always smiled around you, but the smile slowly turned into a frown, when he got tired of you. But now he was smiling again, and that was because, now he was with her.

Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

You couldn't bear the fact that he didn't talk to you. At all. He would walk past you without a glance, only because, she was by his side. You thought that you were the only one for him, and he thought he was the only one for you. Well, he was right, however, you were wrong. You always watched him silently, and you never made a sound while doing so. In your late relationship, he would act really distant. He wouldn't talk, he wouldn't sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, he wouldn't shower you with his loving and passionate kisses, he wouldn't start a playful banter, he wouldn't make a perverted comment about your chest, he wouldn't force you to take a nap with him, he just wouldn't be himself.

Stone cold, stone cold
You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone
Stone cold, stone cold
I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold

Senior prom snuck it's way into your schedule. No one asked you, because you weren't present to be asked. You hid yourself from everyone, and during class you would distance yourself from people as much as you could. He was obviously going with her, you even spotted him and Momoi at the mall and Momoi was helping him in buying a tux. You didn't plan on going to prom, but there you were, in the dress that he bought for you and loved seeing you wear. You didn't know why you wore it. He was over you. It's done. That was it. But something bugged you inside, telling you that there was still a chance that you guys would get back together.

But all of your thoughts were washed away when you saw the both of them kissing on the dance floor. You heart shattered like it did when he left you, and you couldn't help but let the tears spill. He used to tell you that he would never dance with anyone because it was a waste of time, but if it meant that he got to dance with you then he'd do it any day. You used to think that the word you meant [L/N] [F/N], but now you realize, that it meant someone else. And that someone else was her.

Stone cold, baby
God knows I tried to feel
Happy for you
Know that I am, even if I
Can't understand, I'll take the pain

Give me the truth, me and my heart
We'll make it through
If happy is her, I'm happy for you

All the thoughts came running back to you. All the good times that you shared with him, were left unforgettable. That day when you walked through the halls, he was walking too. She was next to him, but he didn't spare a glance at her instead he spared a glance at you. He then realized what he did to you, how badly you've taken everything, and how badly you wanted to get back with him. You looked back into his navy blue eyes and saw guilt, but when he looked into yours, he saw distress. He wanted to reach out for you, and claim you as his again. But his gratification and pride forbid him from doing so. It was then that he realized that he should have never let you go in the first place.

He always went around saying his famous catchphrase: 'The only one who can beat me is me'. But what if that 'me' he was talking about....was you?


Gomenasai! This was so sad T.T

I can't write angst, it's just too.....angst.

Heck it, I'm going to write a part 2 and it's gonna have a happy ending. You guys should consider urself lucky to have a kind-hearted reader like me......gomenasai, I didn't mean to be so rude, sumimasen gomenasai gomen gomen gomen >_<

Coming up:

Momoi x Male!Reader

Akashi x Reader

Haizaki x Reader

MuraHimu - Murasakibara x Himuro

NijiHai - Nijimura x Haizaki

Izuki x Reader (Gonna start with imagines from Seirin!)

Sayonara X

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