Shin-chaaan! - Midorima Shintarō x Reader

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f.t Takao Kazunari

"Shin-chan! Good day at practice, huh?", Takao chirped as he lightly punched his best-friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, whatever Takao. Do you have tape?", Midorima asked.

"Ne, ne, why wouldn't I have any?", he said pulling a roll of tape out of his pants pocket.

Midorima took the tape from Takao and began taping it around his fingers.

"Oi, Shin-chan look! It's her, that girl you've been drooling over for the past week"

"Takao, damara", Midorima snapped feeling embarrassed.

"I know you're just shy. Go talk to her", Takao urged.

Midorima sighed and walked away from Takao and over to you, who was standing at the entrance of the basketball court, planning a new strategy for the Shutoku team. You noticed him walking towards you and you smiled, but for the first time in forever [heh] he smiled back at you.

"Hey, Mido-kun, what's up?", you asked.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to catch up with you, nanodayo"

"I see. So how are you?"

"Good, you?"

"I'm fine"

"I just wanted to know a little bit about the new strategy, nanodayo"

"Oh, well [beware of strategic shit ahead], we are thinking of keeping you and Takao in for the first quarter, keep you out for the third and the other 2, Takao will be defending the centre as usual while this time you take care of counter attacks and Takao and Otsubo-senpai will help you bring the ball to the centre for you to shoot"

"Oh, okay cool. So, what are you, um d-doing this weekend?"

He just stuttered, oh my god.

"Nothing much. Maybe plan a little more. Chill with Takao-kun"

"You hang out with Takao?", he asked surprised.

"Yeah, we're kinda close"

"Oh, it's just that he never told me, nanodayo"

"Well I assume you guys are pretty close as well"

"No way, I hate him, nanodayo"

"Sure", you said smirking. "Hey, Mido-kun, why is it that you tape your fingers all the time?"

"Hm, I don't know. I just don't want to damage my nails...and someone's face", he said.

"Ah, wakarimasta, Mido-kun"

"Listen, uh, since you have nothing important to do tomorrow, do you wanna hang out with me?", he asked as a small blush creeped onto his cheeks.

"Mido-kun, are you asking me out?"

"Uh-no-m-maybe", he stuttered again.

Suddenly Takao appeared from behind you and the both of you started laughing at Midorima.

"You really fell for that one, ne Shin-chan?", Takao said laughing.

"What-what the actual fuck?", Midorima cursed.

"I was right, you do like [Y/N]-chan, you got jealous when she mentioned my name"

"Takao I will fuck your ass with a long carrot you teme", Midorima cursed once again and you giggled.

"[Y/N], ignore that bakayarō, do you wanna hang out- no wait- go out with me?", he asked.

You smirked and nodded. Leaning forward, you kissed his cheek and pushed his glasses up his nose with your middle finger.

"Always, Mido-kun", you replied.

He smirked and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"I'm just gonna leave. . .", Takao said and slowly backed away.

This was the start of Midorima and [Y/N].


Yay! Hoped you like this one. If you have any ideas and such please let me know in the comments or you can send a direct message to my inbox. 

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