Conditioner - Kise Ryōta x Reader

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f.t. Me!!! aka Shruthi-chan

It was a Sunday afternoon, and you were half crying because you had school in less than 24 hours. You were sat on your couch in your flat which you shared with yours truly. [A/N: I live with u....consider urself lucky]. You were switching channels on the TV, while Shruthi-chan was cooking something for lunch. While you were flicking through the channels, you stopped when you saw your blond boyfriend appear on one of the ad's.

Shiseido Conditioner, making your hair smooth to the touch....

"Selling in all local supermarkets and beauty salons. Get yours now~ssu!"

Your boyfriend was posing and he looked incredibly attractive in doing so. You smiled and watched the rest of the ad before changing the channel.

"Oi, [L/N], get your ass over here and help me set the table!", your flat mate yelled from the kitchen.

You sighed and got up. You had forgotten that Shruthi-chan always made you do unnecessary work when she could clearly do it herself.

~Time skippuh~

"[L/N], that's not how you draw a graph, baka", Shruthi-chan said and slapped the back of your head.

"Well maybe I'd do it right if you actually took the time to teach me", you retorted.

"And why would I do that?", she replied.

"Cos I'm your friend, aho", you said rolling your eyes.

"Like hell I am, we only live together and that's it"

"Well yeah, but have you forgotten about who had your back every time you were in trouble?", you said.

"I wouldn't have gotten in trouble if it weren't for you!"

"So I'm the troublesome one? Says the one who snores like a motor boat in her sleep"

"At least I don't start singing like a witch in the middle of the night!"

There was an awkward silence for a while before the both of you burst out laughing. 

[A/N: We make such good friends 👍]

"Bickering with you is the best", Shruthi-chan said.

"Yeah, I could never do so with anyone else", you replied wiping the tears from your eyes.

"[F/N]-cchi!! I heard about the argument, are you okay~ssu? Shrucchi, how dare you yell at [F/N]-cchi for no reason!", Kise said running over.

"Urusai, baka. We were having a friendly banter. And I can yell at her whenever I want, she's my best friend", Shruthi-chan said.

"Mou~ but you hurt her feelings", Kise said.

"I'm sure", Shruthi-chan replied sarcastically.

"Maa, ma, Ryou, I'm fine. Stop being so protective, jeez", you said.

"But I'm only doing it because I love you, [F/N]-cchi!", he said rubbing his cheeks against yours.

"Let go, baka! Stop it!", you exclaimed.

"Yeah you guys can go make out or whatever, I'll just go hang out with the guys", Shruthi-chan said and got up.

"Oi!", you yelled. Your friend snickered and walked away. [Runs to Touou to see Daiki-kun <3]

"I missed you so much, [F/N]-cchi! Weekends are the worst!"

"I never thought anyone would say that", you said giggling.

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