Set Up - Momoi Satsuki x Male!Reader

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f.t. Aomine Daiki

"Dai-chaaan!", Momoi yelled as she climbed up the steps to the rooftop.

"Go away, Satsuki", Aomine groaned.

"Ne, don't be like that, Dai-chan. I need your help"

"Tch, not now", he mumbled with his eyes closed.

Momoi huffed and stood at the back of his head.

"If you don't, I'll make sure you won't be able to even look at your horrific mags"

"Kuso, what do you want?", he snapped and sat up.

"I need your advice. How do I get [L/N]-chan's attention?"

"Whoa, I didn't know you were that desperate, Satsuki"


"Okay, okay. Just go talk to her. How hard can it be?"

She sighed, "It's not that easy. You wouldn't know"

She looked down and picked at the hem of her skirt. Aomine thought, and thought and thought. Suddenly, he had a plan.

"Oi Satsuki. I have an idea"

"You do?! Arigatou gozaimasu!"

"Hm, yeah, whatever"

~Time skippuh~

Momoi walked through the halls of Tōō with her books in her hand, searching for the one and only [L/N] [F/N]. She searched and searched but couldn't find [F/N] anywhere. Suddenly she heard it: [F/N]'s laugh. She scurried around the corner and smiled when she saw [F/N]. But her smile turned into a frown when she saw who [F/N] was talking to. Bakahomine.

"A-Aomine-kun?", Momoi asked.

"What do you want, Satsuki?", Aomine asked.

"Satsuki! How nice to see you", you said.

"[F-F/N]-chan...N-ani, what are you doing with Aomine-kun?"

"Nothing much. Do you wanna join us though?", you asked.

Momoi glared at Aomine. How could he? He was the one that gave her the plan to win [F/N] over. But now, he's making her laugh and smile. 'I'm gonna kill him', Momoi thought.

"H-hai, um, but first, Aomine-kun, can I speak to you for a minute?", Momoi asked sweetly.

"Um, Satsuki, I'm kinda busy here- "

"NOOO! Dai-chan, this isn't fair! [F/N]-chan is mine and mine only. So get your fat ass out of here!!", Momoi yelled at the top of her lungs.

Aomine and you looked at Momoi in shock. Aomine's lips turned into a lazy smirk as he stretched his arms out and let out a happy sigh.

"Well my job here is done. I'll leave you two alone now", Aomine said and walked away.

Momoi looked confused and stuttered. "H-haaaah, what just happened [F/N]-chan?"

You giggled and wrapped an arm around Momoi's shoulder.

"He set us up. That was the plan", you said smirking.

"Dear god", Momoi mumbled blushing.

You laughed and the two of you hugged. Not before sharing a passionate kiss.


Okay this was shitty af. I'm very sorry. Gomenasaiii

Coming up:

Akashi x Reader

Haizaki x Reader

MuraHimu - Murasakibara x Himuro

NijiHai - Nijimura x Haizaki

Izuki x Reader (Gonna start with imagines from Seirin!)

Sayonara X

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