No Choice - Akashi Seijūrō x Reader

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f.t. Midorima Shintarō, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kise Ryōta, Momoi Satsuki, Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga

"Sei-chaaan", you said as you ran over to him.

Akashi stood by the window with his hands in his pockets, and when he turned around to see you, he flashed you a painful smile. You stopped in your tracks and frowned at him, wondering as of why he was giving you that look. Akashi raised his arm and beckoned for you to come closer, and you did. He immediately wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your hair while you hugged him back, inhaling his manly cologne that he always used. Akashi pulled his head away and looked you in the eyes. You smiled at him, hoping for him to smile back but he only sighed. So that was what made you ask.

"Sei, what's wrong?"

Akashi looked like he wanted to say something but held himself back. He took your soft hands in his and gave it a light squeeze before speaking.

"[F/N], I don't think we should be together anymore", he said, avoiding eye contact.

You felt as if the world around you had stopped spinning. Never in a million years would you have expected him to say that. You knew Akashi loved you with all his heart, so why was he doing this?

"Y-You're joking, right?", you asked feeling the lump in your throat forming.

Akashi didn't look up, instead he just remained silent.

"Sei, look at me. If this is a joke then it's not funny", you said as your voice started to crack.

"[F/N], I'm serious", he said sighing.

You bit your lip and removed your hand from his. Akashi looked up, a tremendous amount of guilt and hurt evident in his bright red/yellow eyes. He tried to reach out for you but you only moved away with every step that he took.

"Fine, I'm not even going to ask you why because it's probably some shitty reason that you refuse to tell me because you're a coward. A big, big coward. And you call yourself the emperor, so much for being absolute", you spat.

Akashi knew you would react this way, so he took every word that you said to him, no matter how much it hurt him inside. Once you were done with all your yelling you stormed out of Akashi's huge mansion and went back home. Akashi ran a hand through his hair before falling back on one of the plush, expensive sofas and closed his eyes. He never intended to break up with you, but he had no choice. You cried while you walked home and as soon as you reached the door to your apartment you walked in and collapsed on your bed, bawling your eyes out. Every expensive gift that Akashi bought you, you flung it out the window. Every picture you had of him, you ripped them apart, and deleted them from your phone. All those sweet letters, texts, everything, you discarded all of it. 

You knew there was no use keeping them, because when Akashi says that it's over then it is definitely over. He wasn't the type to joke about stuff like that. You spent hours in your room that day trying to think of where you went wrong. He wouldn't tell you, so you had to do something. Finally you gave up and decided to erase him from your life forever. And you were going to do that right after you took a short nap.

~Time skippuh to 5 years later~

You groaned as you pushed the door to your apartment open, carrying bags of groceries in your hand. You threw them all in the kitchen before laying down on the sofa and closing your eyes. Today was tiring as hell, you had a hectic day at work and then you had to do loads of shopping because you basically had nothing in your fridge, last but not least, you had to babysit one of your colleagues children while doing the shopping and that stupid 5 year old kid wouldn't stop getting lost.

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