A Generation Of Miracles Reaction Imagine

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[A/N: This was based on a haunted house we had in our school for a carnival that we held. tickleAssassin gave me this idea so arigatō!

Look at how short Akashi is in the pic, lol//stabbed by his royal scissors]

What happens: [GOM boy] was watching TV in the living room while you excused yourself to go to the toilet. You didn't actually go to the toilet though, you were planning a really mischievous plan to scare your boyfriend. You took out a fake hand, made of rubber, and it was all bloody with nerves sticking out and it just looked plain disgusting. It would probably scare the shit out of your boyfriend. So you took the hand and creeped up behind him, slowly you crouched down, making sure your reflection wouldn't be seen on the TV screen, and then in a flash, you threw the hand onto his neck.


And then in a flash, you threw the hand onto his neck. Akashi didn't move, but you burst out laughing anyway. You were rolling on the floor, expecting Akashi to take the hand and just chuck it back at you but he didn't move. He actually pissed his pants because he was really really scared. But of course, he couldn't show it. He took deep breaths and picked up the hand and tossed it away. He turned around and tried to act like he was unaffected.

"Don't think that you can try to scare me, [F/N]. It won't work", he said.

You got up and crossed your arms. "Like hell! You were totally scared! You just don't want to admit it", you said smirking.

"[F/N]", Akashi warned and glared at you.

"I can't believe it, you should have seen your face, jesus, I think I've accomplished everything in life now", you said laughing.

Akashi grumbled and picked you up by throwing you over his shoulder. You squealed and hit his back.

"Put me down at once!", you exclaimed.

"Absolutely not. You think you can scare me? Think again, sweetheart, it's me who scares you. And I'll show you that alright"

You guys had a lot of fun in the bedroom :D


And then in a flash, you threw the hand onto his neck. Midorima jumped and threw the object away from him. He stood up and looked at the thing shockingly. He poked it with his finger and then picked it up, trying not to throw up. He looked at you who was already lmao'ing and he frowned.

"[F/N], what kind of a joke is this, nanodayo?"

"Shin-chan, hahahahah-your face-hahahahaha"

"Stop laughing nanodayo!"


He threw the hand onto your face and stormed off to his room. You didn't stop laughing as you chased after him.

"Shin-chan, open the door!", you said giggling slightly.

"Urusai nanodayo"

"Aw, c'mon, Shin-chan, it was just a little prank"


"Did I make you cry?", you asked and burst out laughing again.

"[F/N]!", he yelled.

You laughed like there was no end and the door finally opened. Midorima glared at you and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, your face was just....p-priceless, hahahahahaha"

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